Ireland politics (Part 2)

There isnt any other

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I think that is known as “other”.

It’s extremely vague and arbitrary … Along with our facial recognition technology it’s the start of a very slippery slope but perfect for people like you who like to shut down debate

What’s vague or arbitrary about it?

It’s effectively the same definition we have had since 1989 without any obvious issue. It’s seems to have put the wind up a few people who want to spout on about trans people on the Twitter.

I’ve to fill the paddle pool. I’ll be back to you…

im glad to see that you believe in the uberrimae fidei of our justice system and political classes

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Ireland is on a slippery slope towards totalitarianism. They saw what they could get away with over Covid, imposing one of them most draconian regimes in the world on the population. Now they want to bar dissenting voices where basically anything can be interpreted as hate. Its premise is its effect on the offended party. Again offense is completely arbitrary and subjective. What may offend 1 person might not be offensive to another or at least be construed as such. Its staggering to me how people dont find this in the least bit objectionable.


I don’t find it in the least bit objectionable. Nor did I in 1989 when the law on hate speech was first introduced and has led to very few issues thus far.

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I have faith in our judicial system. It’s a bit slow on occasion but ultimately fair.

Ah stop

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Is there something you’d like to have a rant about?

Lots yeah. I dont think our system is fair at all. Martin Nolan may as well be a guard doing the speed at 5 minutes before the end of his shift

This is not true, it’s quite limited.

I don’t think the bill refers to offence, does it?

Why is there a need to update legislation so or why does existing one not suffice? Is it because it doesnt go far enough, change of definitions…? What if the old legislation didnt raise any issues precisely because it couldnt and they will buttress it with vague interpretations? How do we know they will not follow on from what they did with the 8th amendment on abortion in recent days and go way beyond their mandate or remit on this? Most people were happy to repeal the 8th amendment with safeguards in place. In 5 short years we have abandoned all of them.


I don’t think trans hate was a thing in 1989 and we didn’t have an internet then. That’s why it was updated


I knew for certain you were going to mention Martin Nolan ? Any other judges annoy you?

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Gender ideology wasn’t a thing either and it’s gonna wreak absolute carnage if it grows in this country. This bill certainly aids it.

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Does Transgenderism owe its conception to the internet?

Gender ideology does. And it’s now being neatly protected