Ireland politics (Part 2)

His piece of waffle basically came down to “local politician can’t do anything else because he is housing minister and should just be doing that”. It’s a shit piece, it would have some value if he could have pointed to specifics of a CBA on why bringing the Open would be a waste of money and better spent on housing. As it is it doesn’t provide anything positive to the debate about the Open (or housing, although why that ends up in the sports section is a bit off).

Ah look. If Simon Harris took a shit and smeared it on a wall you’d tell us he was Banksy. Of course its good that its in the sports section. It makes people think about the ever closer and murkier links between sport and business. Whether, the government should spend money on a misogynistic private sports club should be discussed.

O Brien is pathetic as a minister, hiding for years while devising a multitude of schemes which are under utilised because nobody knows what the fuck they are. Zero imagination or attempts at policy, just waving on and hoping the builders keep building. He’s also a nasty, sleazy fucker personally. I’m surprised @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has such close personal links with him but old money dies hard.


Poor Mal is always in a constant state of anguish.

More BS. Go back and read my criticism of this government though Covid.

€40m! Wowsers- no mention of the CBA performed?

Clerkin doesn’t even get into criticising the CBA that has been performed on this which shows a several hundred million euro benefit (as does the recent one held near Liverpool). He hasn’t even got beyond stage one here of just mentioning big numbers and “what about the homeless?!”.

Of course in the case of this event (and similarly ones like the Europa League final and the Emerald Isle Classic), the costs are negligible for the State. This does not involve the construction of one or several new sporting facilities that typically makes hosting sport events a money pit.

In fact a €40m cost for essentially wall to wall advertising over 8 days (including both the men’s and women’s event) on NBC et al is worth the cost alone before you even get to direct benefits.

It’s a shit piece, with no serious analysis. Rather, it plays well to an audience of morons.

“Local politician tries to take credit for constituency benefiting event”- hold the phone!

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Simon Cowell Wow GIF by America's Got Talent

It’s coming home, they’re coming home

Interesting poll, so they won’t need a smaller party or a bunch of independents to prop them up?

Immigration is only an astro-turf “issue”. That’s all it ever has been.

Immigration as an “issue” and anti-immigrant opinion is only ever based on stories from other people, never on personal experience.

It only becomes an issue when people make up lies, so right wing headbangers make up lies.

Strange, I see McEntee was just on the news talking about record numbers of deportations and quoting a few figures. I thought they couldnt actually track if someone had left the country?

Tracey Emmin and he’d be close enough.

Deportation orders and deportations are not quite the same thing really.


McEntee is talking about a 10 year high in volutary deportations but then Peadar came on said the government can’t confirm any of the figures.

I believe we have no way of knowing if anyone who was served an order has actually left the country

Lies, damn lies and FG stats

there have been 98 enforced deportations which is an increase of 165% compared to this point in 2023.


It’s really so odd that we still have people claiming it isn’t an issue “on the doors”.

All the more so when it is claimed to be an issue the Government stir despite polls showing that there is a strong correlation in unfavourable opinions on the government and not being happy with migration!

There must be indicators?

Not in state accomadation, not getting social welfare etc

It’s an artificial issue. It’s not an issue that actually affects white Irish people. It’s only an issue in so much as gobshites decide to talk bullshit about it for reaction.

Heed this advice so, please !

One of the posts of the year.

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Most lads are only discovered as having left when they try to come back in.

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