Ireland politics (Part 2)

I donā€™t think anyone should be told fuck off. I donā€™t see where I said that.

The Askeaton/Foynes cases are strange in that their only seems to be a handful? Or have more come forward? Did they get the blocks from the roadstone quarry instead of hoganā€™s?

It is a bit weird alright ,I donā€™t know where they got the blocks

Looks like youā€™ll get very little support round here @croppy_boy

100 percent those houses affected should be rebuilt to original standard. We are told that it is never being a cheaper time for Ireland to borrow, so just do it. It would provide an economic stimulus to those regions but more importantly, itā€™s simply the right thing to do. Let government go after cassidys, insurance companies afterwards. My heart goes out to those people that have had this inflicted upon them.


Some lads just donā€™t give a fuck till it happens to them.Imagine building a house and paying a mortgage for 15/20 years to have your house falling down around you and nobody giving a shit.


Demanding 3000sm mansions when there is a housing crisis is a bit much. Support has turned imho

Exactly, no empathy. When we bought our first apartment, we had to deal with vibrations running up our walls from restaurant below us. They changed the extraction system. It drove us and myself in particular to our wits end. No one cared, builder, restaurant or the council. This despite us having sound engineer reports saying that vibrations were well above permitted levels.

In the end, we paid for the restaurant to put in a new system. This required us using our respite grant to part fund this. It cost us a couple of thousand in total. Problem fixed straight away.

There were times I was very close to breaking.


Aye a right shower of cuntsā€¦ wouldnā€™t piss on you if you were on fireā€¦

More important to some to be edgy on an Internet forumā€¦

Stomach turning stuff.


Youā€™ve one lad married into money over in Manchester worrying about where some minimum wage worker in Dublin taxes are goin to be spent :grinning:.You couldnā€™t make it up.

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Whatā€™s the time span for when the dodgy blocks were being sent out? Was it happening up to recently or confined to a certain time period?

Itā€™s as bad as Twitter sometimesā€¦ lads giggling behind their repliesā€¦


There can be some great discourse and then a few got sucked in by an edge lord and everything goes downhillā€¦


Iā€™d imagine people building large scale houses were quite happy saving money on the blocksā€¦. Cassidyā€™s were obviously well priced Iā€™d imagine but their product was cheap shite. They obviously made a huge margin on them, the cunts.

I really do believe urgent legislation is needed to be able to go after cunts like this who leave trails of devastation in their wake.

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Howā€™s the renovation of the house going, pal?

What the fuck is that shit?


Some very nasty hits on Flatty in recent weeks here. Canā€™t understand it meself

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Thereā€™s a few lads posting here who literally believe their shit donā€™t stink.
Lads, who will happily degrade others for holding beliefs dissimilar to their own.

Thatā€™s okay but hitting a mans family for kicksā€¦

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A FF government facilitated a corrupt section of the construction industry to make huge profits on the back of consumers and the tax payer. A sadly familiar tale. @croppy_boy and people like him should not be expected to pay for this clusterfuck.


The entire construction industry needs to pay a levy to fund this.

Flesh that out in practical termsā€¦ā€¦

Youā€™d charge a levy on any contractor/quarry owner/developer of X per cent of value of the building project/goods supplied

That goes into a fund to pay for redress scheme

The industry cut corners and the industry should pay.