Ireland politics (Part 2)

Thereā€™s not a tradesman in Ireland who isnā€™t already inundated. The money in Donegal would need to be savage.

Not at all. You couk equally argue (equally incorrectly) that itā€™s full of people who:
My mansion isnā€™t working, you all have to pay to fix it.
I donā€™t care if you canā€™t afford a place to live. You have to pay.
Somebody died, give me my money.
Etc etc.
Nobody has suggested the state not helping out, but itā€™s an interesting discussion.
This is the problem with discussion nowadays. You try to tease out the issues, and youā€™re labelled, in this instance, a fuck Donegal, fuck suicide who cares?, Selfish, Iā€™m alright Jack.
Thereā€™s a speed limit in place on the Dublin to Galway motorway, but itā€™s rarely policed or enforced. Should the state be liable if thereā€™s an accident because it wasnā€™t regulating it ?
Why are you defending the Cassidys? Did one of them speak nicely to you once?
The forelock tugging toward the monied in rural Ireland shows the mentality persists which allowed four lads in Dublin castle with hurls to run the country for 800 years.


Thereā€™s a difference between ā€˜isnā€™t workingā€™ and is crumbling down around me and my children.

You utter, utter cunt.

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You would do better to actually read my posts than resort to that. It simply proves the point I made above. Itā€™s part of cancel culture. I have an opinion on this which I havenā€™t actually expressed, but try and tease out the issues and get called an ā€œutter utter cuntā€.
The only ā€œutter utter cuntsā€ here are the Cassidys, yet Donegal people seem bizarrely reluctant to call them out.


You fucking wrote it so fucking stand over it.

Bringing cancel culture into it is even worse and then insinuating that youā€™re posts arenā€™t being properly understood clearly shows youā€™ve no fucking idea what itā€™s like to face the prospect of something youā€™ve invested your life savings into, to provide a home for your family, is going to start falling down around you and thereā€™s sweet fuck all you can do about it. And all because a crowd of cowboys sold you something wasnā€™t fit for purpose.

I hope to fuck you, or anyone else, never has to face a situation like this. You clearly have no grasp of the situation that is facing those impacted by it.

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I hope I donā€™t too, and I certainly donā€™t underestimate the trouble and stress you are in.
Apologies if you think I am blasƩ to the situation you find yourself in.
Personally, I think there should be a panel of construction industry bodies, insurance (mostly) and government sit down together with homeowners and come up with a reasonable and workable solution between them.
But not before the Cassidys have paid every penny they have, and I mean cars, houses, personal and corporate possessions, the lot, towards the fund.
There is a strange reluctance to call out the fault here. Iā€™m not sure whether itā€™s because of connections, or a Quinn like royal family status or what.
I have never thought that people in your situation shouldnā€™t have the problem corrected, but it needs to be done quickly and efficiently and fairly.
And I genuinely find your situation upsetting.
I was debating the more abstract concept of something which is a hard reality to you, and, I apologize for offending you. That wasnā€™t my intention.


There isnā€™t though. The MICA action group are also campaigning for #BoycottCassidys.

Those cunts are legally safe from bring held to account sadly.

Your post read as out of touch as Varadkar on this issue. Saying what about homelessness is idiotic.

Were you as concerned about sorting out homelessness before we stopped paying levys through our tax coming out of the bank bail outs?

Ok mate. Iā€™ll leave it here.

Good idea.

Nice backtrack there mate.I hope that mansion your planning on building in Galway doesnā€™t have any problems.Not everybody can get the wife to sign a cheque to pay for shit.

Hopefully not. Being a Ltd company doesnt protect the directors from being punished for deliberate wrong doing. Itā€™s not an easy case though.

Flatty back in the thick of it here, great to see.

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They should get redress to the amount they declared the homes for property tax


Ah lovely, the old ā€œtheyā€™re all gangsters up thereā€ attitude.

I do have that impression of donegal to be honest

Iā€™d expect that from the blueshirts on here,I thought you were better than that.Should the people in Askeaton be told to fuck off as well with their crumbling houses too?

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I donā€™t see how anyone would have a problem with that, nationwide

Iā€™ve lived in Wexford, Limerick, Dublin, Cork and Donegal.

Cowboys everywhere Ted.


Did you get an engineerā€™s report when you bought your house in 2016? Why would they not be liable for completely missing a massive deficiency in your house which I presume was evident at the time?

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No structural cracks at the time of purchase. He referred to the issue in other parts of Donegal and said only further lab testing would say for certain if it was there. Thereā€™d be no trace of Mica in Letterkenny before that point I think.

He advised us that would cost the bones of 10k, horseshit I think.