Ireland politics (Part 2)

I agree with you but my question is whether the.growth will mean more people earning bigger income ???

USC on income over 100k is 11 per cent

It’s tempting to say tax people to the hilt on more than 100k but those jobs are mobile and/or jobs you need filled like hospital consultants etc

Probably not as a lot of that growth will come in hospitality and tourism where majority of workers would be paying standard rate. If you see how resilient paye receipts were in past 18 months, you can see potential for a huge increase in receipts by increasing top rate. With inflationary pressures increasing, its probably good for econony as well. No better time to increase top rate imho.

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Who do you think is going to end up funding that levy :roll_eyes:

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It’s a cost of construction. Who ends up funding it depends on the market.

Who do you think funds a 2 per cent income tax hike?

How would you fund the 3 billion ?

Does and it’s fuck depend on the market. If a levy was applied it would be passed onto the end user. I’d go as far as to say it would be added to end of tenders and specifically identified as such similar to the insurance levy. You really think a plumber below in Kerry is happily going to absorb the costs of a rogue quarry in Donegal?

Taxpayer will end up funding it, same as pyrite, same as Priory Hall and it will be another case of closing the stable door after the horse is bolted.


If the banks were told the mortgages on their secured assets which are crumbling down and worthless were now null and void, it wouldn’t be long before Cassidy’s would be hauled over the coals and a new insurance bond or policy in place to protect homeowners (and the banks of course) going forward.



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Michael McGrath is a very small man.

With the architect. Decided to go with the 40 sq metre extension to avoid planning. Hoping to start into the work next summer but doing a bit of tidying work around the site at present.

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You find it odd.

Think about FF and FG and wonder why this would be odd. Varadkar in particular routinely gaslights the working class with his comments to the media.

They’re going to have no option but to cap it. Reason being is that I guarantee you there are another raft of them out there somewhere.

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Live is insufferable you’d have to agree

Keith has sentenced his tweet to DELETION

Has he defected from PbP?

Not sure who he is but there can’t be too many SF employees named Cillian who work for a member of the Oireachtas.

It looks like the big expose and hit to SF turned out to be a big steaming pile of shite.

He’s ex PbP. Smart enough guy, a coup for SF if they got him over.

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FotF Neale Richmond teaming up with Cark shinner supporting comedian for a sketch.