Ireland politics (Part 2)

Not unlike Keith Connolly himself

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Is the party over?

the only problem we will have is with our modern day Diarmait Mac Murchada aka c-level Paddy in the big 4

Fuck the French. We’ll go buy our submarines somewhere else.



They’ve no idea who they’re messing with

We’ll move to 15 per cent but language that was proposed and now seems amended didn’t stop at 15 and we’d be under pressure to go higher.

The game is up lads. Ye’ll have to rely on your own abilities from now on.

We had a good run at it.


The brits cc @Tassotti always looked after us in previous negotiations. We’ll be eaten alive in europe now John Bull doesn’t have our back.


Paddy sent Frau Vestagher home with tae in her mug. We’ll have a few tricks up our sleeve.

We win again

Long term this is a bit of a challenge but short term this is going to be a massive windfall gain, we increase our corporation tax take by 20%, fucking get in!

The magic money tree does exist. cc @tallback


What would it be worth to the country in a year ?

11.883 billion last year. Add 20%.

Throw in islands and electric gates for the crowd in Donegal to fuck!


How will this impact companies with an effective tax rate of zero?

It will add 20% to their tax bill.

Everyone fucking loves us :clap: