Ireland politics (Part 2)

Pascal is very popular in Europe amongst his peers.

Another in the long line of sycophant paddies that will sell out future generations for their personal short term gain and enrichment.
Irish civil service guilty of same

I’d say Paschal will head to Europe in the next few years rather than have to sit and deal with Leo’s leaks and the joy of party politics.

If everybody signed up to 20%, the world would be a better place possibly. Whilst I have no doubt at all about the ability of any govt to steal, misappropriate and generally waste vast swathes of money, it’s better sloshing around than in the offshore account of mark Zuckerberg. Paddy has facilitated a beggar thy neighbour approach to corporation tax, which I think has been immoral if you believe in tax at all.

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While I dont disagree with you flatty, let’s be honest here. Up to quite recently, it was the only tool we had in the box.

Sort of. I still think education has been the main tool, English speaking and the vast waves of emigration and misty eyed nostalgia second, and the fact that we are naturally the best race at PR on the globe. We can Rob lads blind and they still like us.
It is and always was wrong to be a major facilitator in multinationals avoiding tax, by continually dropping it and dropping it, and then using connivances like the “knowledge box”. We have allowed tax intake from far poorer countries to be scythed, whilst Ireland has grown extremely rich.


I think there’s a lot of merit in Ireland’s argument that it needs to compete on tax, other countries have other advantages that we don’t. I think you’re right that we’ve overdone it though.

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Paschal”s seat is in real danger to a second Shinner tbh .

SF might get a second seat there but I would have thought it’ll be at the expense of the Greens or SocDems instead of Pascal.

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Yes but our “competing on tax” has really just been to undercut everyone else, and this simply allows a race to the bottom whereby the global suoercorporations pay fuck all tax anywhere. It’s not right.
Ireland is an extremely wealthy country off the back of it, others less so.
I think they should settle on 30% but enforce it everywhere with a global policing system.

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You could be correct but so could I . He could lose his seat and top the poll in the probable next election within 12 months

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Our rate was probably find if we actually charged it. If we actually charge 15 we’re in clover.

We need to start working to change our economic model big time anyway so this is good timing for us really. The boosted income for a few years should help change some things (if it’s used for such).

It’ll be interesting to see how they exempt the financial institutions and oil and gas companies from the new rules.

This is aimed at the big multinational tech and social media companies.

Companies with turnovers under 750m are apparently excluded.

The double Irish is gone for 5 years now. That was what drove a lot of the negative view of Ireland as it allowed tax be indefinitely deferred.

The rate is less important once there is now certainty on it and it won’t be moved again and again which is why the words “at least” were so problematic.


I actually think the tax rate should be 40%.

I don’t disagree with you in principle but there’s cutting off your nose to spite your face as well.

There is also an I’m alright Jack fuck you approach which is pretty much the same thing in this case.

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It’s Uncle Sam’s tax rules that allowed tax to be infinitely deferred or moved from Ireland to Bermuda etc. Ireland suffered reputational damage for being a conduit for this, justifiably, but also exacerbated by headline writers not understanding the difference between country of incorporation and country of tax residence.


Don’t be silly

Oh everyone understands the difference. This difference is bent all out of shape by them, with paddy adding all his weight to the lever.
If the boot was on the other foot, you’d be livid.
I’ve lived in a good few countries. Ireland has the population intelligence and work ethic to flourish without twisting things to the detriment of other countries.
We’ve broken our unhealthy relationship with the church. We need to do the same with money/power.
Ireland in my opinion is as rich a country as there is in the world. Wages are off the charts. We just continually allow all the excess to flood into the housing market.

I’m here aren’t I?