Ireland politics (Part 2)


You forgot a couple of other options

A. Friend or close contact of someone high up in the hospital
B. A private school teacher who teaches the kids of the friend or close contact high up in the hospital.


Odd how you went from getting on your soapbox to pontificate to other about people getting a vaccine not needing a vaccine to boasting about getting one and then refusing to clarify on what basis you got it?

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You’re no craic.

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Lets have a look at this doozy again.

No, but watching poor Fulvio go absolutely mental surely is :popcorn:

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I think you’re a wee bit unnerved by this if I’m honest.

Having yourself caught bang to rights as a conceited hypocrite and replayed again on a regular manner has you slightly humiliated.

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You’ve been vaccinated?

How did you swing that?

I’ll PM you.

The normal TFK reply to this goes “I’ll take one too”…
I won’t bother but thanks anyhow.

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Marc McSharry just straight out answered no on newstalk just now when asked if he had confidence in Champs leadership.

maybe fat rabbitte was wrong about mcsharry after all

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy do you not have an NHS number? You must have your vaccine by now?

I won’t be getting a vaccine.

The guy who keeps screaming about the vaccine programme won’t be getting a vaccine :smiley:

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Star Trek Reaction GIF



I’m not going to tell people they should or should not get the vaccine, that’s a personal choice.

The issue remains then hinging the reopening of society on a vaccine rollout and then making a mess of it. The failure of the vaccine rollout impacts everyone.

Do you think the vaccine rollout can be successful if people refuse to take it?

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I see you are once again angling for a totalitarian society where people are not allowed exercise their personal choices and put a value on their own health.

How can a vaccination programme be successful if people refuse to take it?