Ireland politics (Part 2)

If enough people take it it will. Personal choices should be respected though, you seem to want to coerce and force people to do what you want.

It’s interesting to see that you are all for a totalitarian society. Very fascist of you.

Not at all. I think we are all in this together.

You say yourself there that you want other people to take the vaccine but you will refuse to. You want other people to make a contribution but you will not.

You demand the benefits but won’t contribute to them.

Your exceptionalism knows no bounds.

What makes you such a precious little snowflake?

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Then why did you steal someone’s vaccine?

I didn’t say that. If people want to and are willing to take it then no problem with that (I do have an issue with vaccines thieves like you stealing it off more vulnerable people though. We are being told that the vaccine rollout gets us through this so if people are willing to take the vaccine this should be done as expediently as possible.

I’ve made a personal choice that I do not think the vaccines has more benefits than risk for my demographic. You seem to be demanding I take it for some reason, you always thought yourself more important that vulnerable categories too. You seem to display a lot of narcissistic tendencies tbh.

I don’t demand benefits. I think the govt should be held to account on their strategy, if they are holding society to a mass vaccination strategy then they ought to be expedient and competent in rolling it out. As a useless public servant it’s no surprise to see you double down on state incompetence.

You refuse to take the vaccine but you want other people to take it for you.

You refuse to take the vaccine but you obsess over the vaccine rollout, to which take up is a critical factor.

You are a hypocrite.

Again, you are telling fibs.

I actually don’t want people to take the vaccine unless they are happy to. I am the democratic guy here who is happy to allow people make their own personal choices. You are the guy who wishes to force and coerce people into doing something that could be detrimental to their own health. So now we have clarified that you are being extremely dishonest and misleading with the truth as well as a vaccine thief and a totalitarianist.

You’re basically doing Nazism 101 here
Supression of rights
Supremacist ideoldoy.

I refuse to take the vaccine, I think people should be allowed make their own personal choice on this without being coerced or forced into doing so. It’s anything but hypocritical, it’s actually as democratic and respectful as one can be.

The fact that you are engaging in dishonesty and propaganda to smear me tells me a lot of the fascist you are.

What percentage of the population should take the vaccine?

Whatever percentage of the population feels happy to do so?

Why do you demand people do things against their will?

I didn’t demand anything.

You’ve been screaming and obsessing over vaccination numbers for months.

Surely you have a target for the percentage of the population that you think should be vaccinated?

If their strategy is to vaccinate us out of this then they should be doing it in an expedient and competent manner.

They’re not. They are routinely failing to hit targets and you back them up at every hilt.

We see the type of character you are though. A totalitarian vaccine thief who is happy for the country to remain in Lockdown if he can get away for a holiday.

So you won’t identify a target percentage but you repeatedly claim we fail to meet targets.

Do you think anyone takes you seriously?


I’d say not too hard for an eagle eyed observer to spot who is on their phone, even if meeting is on zoom

Fianna Fail need to hire a Rex Banner here.

Michael Ring has put the boot into Donnelly at the FG parliamentary.

He added an absolute zinger when he said “there must be something in the water in Wicklow because he can’t stay away from a microphone.” Oooof.

Si must have been seething.

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Michael isn’t what you would call “media shy” himself.

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You’d nearly think a phone-tap could be approved here, to see once and for all where the leak is coming from. Oh wait, I think we tried that before… Grrrrr…

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy a tour de force there from Mary Lou on Newstalk. The difference it makes when Pat Kenny is not doing the interview and jumping when the person is answering the question.


“We are all the people of Ireland. We are all equals, whether you live in Donnybrook, Dublin or Tournafulla,” said Deputy O’Donoghue



He’s taking up a post as a special advisor to journalist Philip Ryan.

He’ll be missed from Irish politics like Antonio Nunez was missed after he left Liverpool.

This is a good development for Fine Gael as a party as they’ll end up with a much better TD.