Ireland politics (Part 2)

Going to pursue a career in international cooperation, human rights and democracy.

He no longer has a home in the FG parliamentary party.

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PG Tips have recruited him to star in a new advertising campaign

Good riddance to him.Im sire there’s a scandal not far behind.

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Good news for big Jim O’Callaghan

Gaybos money found in his credit Union account


Lucinda back from the wilderness :eyes:

Or Der Kaiser :eyes:

Or Sexy Kate :eyes:

he had a chance to go on the committee dealing with rural Ireland and chose not to. Then does this, he is treating you guys like fools


A guy that protected landlords and over saw scores of young kids/families living in emergency accommodation and eating meals from homeless shelters is moving on to a career in human rights.


You couldn’t make it up.An absolute cunt of a man.

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Careful now, you wouldn’t want to offend the “free speech warriors” who vote for this pied piper.

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I think the reality with Eoghan Murphy is probably quite prosaic. The reality as I see it is he was the son of a well gotten family who was groomed for stardom at an early age. He likely did very well in the Leaving despite not being that bright due to having access to grind schools on top of being a pupil at St. Michael’s. His natural sense of entitlement and his inherent belief the system works was likely nurtured both by his background and by his being quite a handsome chap, and becoming a Fine Gael TD probably seemed a natural step. I’d say after 10 years of doing it he’s probably realised that i) it wasn’t very fulfilling for him, which is largely a result of ii) he wasn’t very good at it. 10 years of politics is great for building up contacts, and governing in a pandemic is hard, so it was a good time to get out and up sticks for a cushier number. I think Eoghan was basically a slightly more intelligent, slightly more socially aware version of Ross O’Carroll-Kelly.


What kind of pension would he get and when will he able to draw it?

A loss in the bye election brings the ffg majority down to six. The magic number for backstabbing chump is 5.

I wonder will Hazel Chu have a go at this one also?

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Can’t see them losing a seat in a constituency like DBS. Would also imagine their coalition partners will let FG have a clean run at it.

Could see SF running someone like Lynn Boylan on it but she has little chance there.

I think Kate will walk it. I couldn’t think of a better time for her to run in a by-election than during a pandemic. She’s very good on opposing disinformation on vaccines and the like and I think that makes her quite popular across the spectrum.

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Of course she will and watch her play every victim card there is.


There are no significant people spreading disinformation on vaccines. Won’t be a factor politically .

Yeah, Kate was close enough to keeping her seat last time out. She must be the frontrunner.