Ireland politics (Part 2)

Even the gays are starting to pull away from gender ideology as they see it for what ot is.

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Are you for real here? This was a horrific country for homosexual boys or men to live in up until very recently and its still no bed of roses. It was illegal for fuck sake. Boys showing any sort of gay mannerisms were mocked mercilessly and were physically assaulted regularly. Organic approach my hole.


There was one openly gay man in the town when I grew up. He lived in Ferrybank and and he only walked into town with an Alsatian for protection.

Most emigrated.

Whats being gay to do with gender ideology? Can you highlight a post in this whole conversation where I mentioned the term gay or homosexual? In true TFK style weā€™ll just conflate 2 entirely different issues.

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It was that or suicide. Lads killed a gay man in Fairview Park in 1983 and got a suspended sentence because the judge assumed they thought they were doing good by society. And fellas think we donā€™t need hate legislation.


It was hysteria about gays 40 years ago. Itā€™s trans people today. It will be another group in 40 years time.


You said when you were growing up there wasnā€™t a rush to label a boy playing with Barbies or wearing a dress? A more organic approach was taken.

Maybe this was the way it was in tipperary but i doubt it.


These lads were given a heroes welcome back in marino after the court case. A real organic approach alright.


The world about to be burnt to a crisp in 50 years time and the Montessori parents in Clonmel and Douglas are bent out of shape by transgenderism


But what has this to do with homosexuality or being gay? And organic approach means or implies they were just left alone to explore or be themselves without any need for an intervention or casting aspersions. There is nothing sinister implied by the term ā€œorganicā€ unless you are suggesting we have some form of conversion therapy in Tipperary. The whole premise of that statement is that it was a laissez faire approach.

That murder was the origination of the pride march I believe.

Weā€™ll be pushing up daisies but weā€™ll be fine. Those coming after us will be just fine too.

Iā€™d hope so.

This is exactly it. Of all the stuff to be getting your knickers in a twist about. The split season is a way bigger issue for example.

My point is that these kids were most definitely not left alone. They absolutely suffered unwanted intervention and there was aspersions cast at them every single day of their lives. Iā€™m wondering did you grow up in the same country as me at all if you believe people took an ā€˜organicā€™ approach to these poor unfortunates.

Youā€™re very ignorant on the difference between gender dysphoria and gender ideology and young kids being butchered in the name of ideology.

Thereā€™s a huge difference.

Iā€™m not really. I know more about it than youā€™re ever likely to know. But you carry on with your ignorant diatribes

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And you agree with the ideology that butchers and castrates kids? That believes chopping off body parts cures dysphoria?

You might know someone thatā€™s trans but i doubt you know a whole pile about the modern phenomena of gender ideology

Why do you think that?