Ireland politics (Part 2)

I met one of those lads in 95/96, a broken person. It took its toll.

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It didn’t on Paddy Kavanagh he thrived on it.

Well said.

The trans issue is complex and extremely – exceptionally – difficult. Life’s major transition is from being a child to being an adult – as any amount of legislation, from time immemorial, recognizes. At times, yes, children need to be protected from their own impulses and inclinations. Very much so. But hatred is hatred – and should be called out, always.

The ‘perspective’ of a brain dead fuckwit from Clonmel stands irrelevant. He is every bit as big a gobshite, I am told, in real life. Hatred is the stupid’s attempt at understanding.

The American football-supporting band wagoner gobshite from Limerick, quite aside from the smirking attention seeking, is a nasty piece of real life misogyny.

Our generation is a lot more tolerant than yours. It was needed in the 70s and 80s, not now

Did somebody say something there?

Which part? The latter? Well you couldn’t know about the horrors of what’s happening in the name of ideology and be comfortable or accepting of it.

Before gender ideology, the clinical experts who worked with people who suffered from gender dysphoria recognised through years of practice that if you treated the dysphoria that most sufferers accepted their body by late teens and turned out to be homosexual. About 10% couldn’t overcome the dysphoria and transitioned.

What we are seeing now thanks to the ideology is a push to pump kids full of drugs and carrying out life changing surgery on them.

This is why suicide rates among those who have transitioned are extremely high… The Dysphoria isn’t being treated. It’s the dysphoria causing the suicidal thoughts, the depression, the anxiety… It doesn’t disappear when body parts are chopped off.

There’s tonnes of other stuff being carried out in the name of the ideology… That’s nothing to actually do with gender dysphoria. They use the emotive topic to try justify their lunacy.

I know you dont have me on ignore because youre eager enough to have a swipe when the opportunity presents itself.

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Its the new catholic church. No wonder the much older lads are so defensive of it. They love a good dogma

Ah yes the whims of a psychopath fresh after a bottle of whiskey and a field of mushrooms. You’re best deed to society was leaving your pathetic non existence of a legacy die with you and not spawn any children. No one will miss a Walter Mitty character who lives vicariously through others. I am fascinated by who you think refers to me as a gobshite though and equally fascinated of why you would be talking to someone about someone on the internet in real life. My DMs are open. I suspect like everything though you are full of shit.

Ah lad, you should just ignore that lunatic… The old tactic of having someone in real life affirm his opinion is gas. He tried the same with me and with @TheUlteriorMotive and @EstebanSexface … He knows fuck all. If you keep engaging he’ll post more pictures of himself as a 20 year old.


It’s interesting you say that… They’ve largely traced the origins of it back to the whole atheist movement that swept the internet in the late 00s that was full if academics. The one Dawkins was leading… There was a huge split because the majority actually wanted to create a religion or dogma :rofl:… We got what’s called wokeness and the gender ideology movement largely sprang from this.

That’s a very nasty post in fairness. No need for it.


I work with the victim’s (Declan Fay) sister. She is a powerful woman but it has haunted her and her family since.


There was a documentary about that murder on RTE within the last couple of years. They admitted to attacking over 20 different individuals who were likely too afraid to report the attacks. The judge said they were of good stock and unlikely to reoffend.

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Did he let the Alsation put his lead on him?

Seriously. What effect does transgenfer ideology have on your day to day living that you bring it up constantly? I have kids roughly the same age as yours and I have a mine of other things to worry about for them other than transgenderism.


They say Graham Dwyer’s problems started with his mother.

It’s Gender ideology.

It’s something we should all be concerned about.

Whiskey… Mushrooms…

Keep going, keep going… The obsession-driven self humiliation is terrible amusing. Plus the Andrea Leadsom admiration. Right wing fuckwits are terrible predictable, because right wing fuckwits are so terribly childish.

I know you are fascinated. The stupid always are, really, by the unstupid.

Your level is Des Hanafin. Enjoy, best as you can. The stupid must have their pleasures too.