Ireland politics (Part 2)

Harris isnt proven either unless proven to be inept counts. They invented a higher education ministry which is the equivalent of being told to mind the corner flags and he hasnt been able to master that either. He really could finish off FG as a political entity. No one wants it but him as he is a career politician and he has the same Dwight Schrute energy in that regard. The other prospective candidates are too smart to not go for it.


The IMF role seemingly ruled out for Paschal may mean heā€™ll go for the leadership even if just for the short term. Youā€™d imagine the party elders are in his ear about it.

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A nice safe pair of hands like Alan Dillon is what we need.

This is my thinking too. Timing is perfect.

I could see Dillon getting there in the future. Itā€™s amazing how far seeming reasonably capable can take you in irish politics.


He has a very good manner about him

Heā€™s been star of the show at those Oireachtas hearings.

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They are an open goal in fairness

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Didnā€™t the famous Burker of Mayo run Dillion out of a supermarket recently? He folded like a cheap tent if I remember


Harris was accused on the Dail record by Deputy Matt Carthy of leaking information from cabinet meetings. To this day he has not sought to change the Dail record or clear his name.

Came into politics on a pro life policy before leading the charge on Repeal.

Said in 2017 that by the end of the year no child would wait more than four months for a scoliosis operation. As of today that waiting period for those kids affected remains as long as ever.

As big a sleeveen who entered Irish politics. Hereā€™s my principles, if you donā€™t like them I have others.


Most people who vote donā€™t care about politics. They vote based on the sort of first impressions you form of people you meet for the first time in a pub.

Simon Harris still has an air of Tory boy off him which he will probably never shake. He looks like an English public school prefect and people imagine him to be a power hungry careerist. Whether that is true or not doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s the perception. Thatā€™s electoral poison.

People instinctively like Paschal Donohue, especially the majority of the people in the country who donā€™t vote for Fine Gael and arenā€™t headbangers. They think Paschal is affable and approachable and reasonable and grounded. They think heā€™s a decent fella.

Paschal has a touch of the Bertie about him, but people imagine he knows how to open and do housekeeping on his own bank account.


He gives the visual impression of being an Irish Jacob Rees Mogg

The air of a man whoā€™s drank a glass of his own urine twice.

Jacob Rees-Mogg attended Eton.

Simon Harris attended the non-fee paying St. Davidā€™s Holy Faith in Greystones. He did Journalism and French in DIT Aungier Street but dropped out in first year.

The reality doesnā€™t matter, only the perception.

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The fg voting system will ensure that either Simon H or paschal (if interested ) will get the gig and the rural fg vote will decline even further. If Mary Lou isnt taoiseach after next election, sheā€™ll join joe Smith in the busted flushes thread

BabyLou playing the long game. Itā€™ll probably be the election after that, and Iā€™d suspect theyā€™re cool with that. SF are going to come in so hard that itā€™ll be hard to get them back out again. My guess would be 15yrs of Shintimeā€¦and by that stage, they could be adding a bunch of TDā€™s from the occupied six.

Mary Lou will be out on her arse if theyā€™re not in government next time. It would be a spectacular failure


Thereā€™s always a tweet. :thinking: