Ireland politics (Part 2)

Where Charlie lands will be key.

He must have made a really good cup of tea

Si Harris is as organised as the clergy on TFK when it comes to voting/nominations anyway. A choreographed flood of TDs, Senators & MEPs endorsing him in sequence since 8am across various media outlets. Heā€™s first to secure a nomination & Paschal Donohoe is keeping his counsel for the moment.

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Breda and Nuala havenā€™t forgotten how Big Si safely navigated us through the Covid pandemic

Was Egghead not Minister for Health for the second half of it? Made a right dogā€™s bollocks of things IIRC

Yes but Si was the reassuring safe pair of hands the country wanted & needed in those panicked, early pandemic days before the awkward squad concluded it was all a big cod anyway.


Kneel Richmond was on Morning Ireland telling the nation that he and Simon Harris had been friends for first 25 years then 20 years. 25 years sounded a bit far fetched - how could they have known each other when they were 12. He then said they had joined Young Fine Gael on the same day. Iā€™m assuming that was the 20 years bit so that they joined Young Fine Gael when they were 17. I couldnā€™t imagine anyone in my class at school joining Young Fine Gael at 17 but there was a lad in the year ahead of me who would have been a perfect fit (yes Iā€™m thinking of you Johnny Posh).


The head of young Fine Gaelā€™s endorsement for Si was retweeted onto my timeline. The country has a bright future ahead most certainly.

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The deranged head on him here. A real ā€œIā€™m getting the Herbie Hide tonightā€ vibe off of this.

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He seeā€™s himself as the new Garrett. He ainā€™t no Garrett.

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Whereā€™s Paschal at ffs.

Needs to come out fighting ASAP.

ā€˜The things heā€™s said about the 18 previous Covids, the lack of support for kids with scoliosis. Iā€™ve never resorted to that. Heā€™s gone right down in my estimation.

You can tell that little Wicklow dweeb if heā€™s watching now. Heā€™s still got to go to the FG electorate and get something.

And honestly, Iā€™ll tell ya, I will luv it if I beat that failed Minister for Health. Luv it.ā€™


McEntee has pulled out - thatā€™s a first


The American Psycho head on him

Emer Higgins ruled herself out on the Tonight Show last night, must have been a struggle for everyone to keep a straight face.

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The one that looks a bit like a character from The Far Side sketches.

The Passport Express one?

Thatā€™s the one.

Sure everyone knew that MƭcheƔl

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