Ireland politics (Part 2)

If itā€™s Harris theyā€™ve just handed the keys to SF. You could see a complete disintegration of FG in the next election a la Labour with Harris at helm.


Itā€™s almost like he went dark for a reason over the past year or two


I think Harris is a complete dweeb but his harmless demeanour might endear him to some people

Thinley veiled Iā€™d vote for him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I couldnā€™t vote for a blueshirt. I think he might do alright with the kind of people that stood outside their front door clapping for the nurses a few years ago

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SF are coming back to the pack because of Mary Louā€¦ I donā€™t see her as Taoiseach unless thereā€™s some monumental shift / event in the coming months.

She lacks gravitas


In TFK parlanceā€¦ Sheā€™s a ham.


Harris has been canvassing local FG reps and meeting them whilst touring our universities in his made up cabinet post this past year.

Fucking hell. They have basically all ruled themselves out of the running. Paschal gone now.

Itā€™s going to be Harris.

FG really are out of touch.

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That is sensational news.

My jibe about piss stained Y fronts really got to Bandage but it seems to have galvanised Harrisā€™ campaign.

A caretaker Taoiseach, a first year college dropout who never held a proper job in his life, who brought down the last government as a result of his performance in Health and who was demoted in the last cabinet.

What a country.


Failing upwards.

Harris must be a right sleeveen. Planning and plotting in the background. None of them seem prepared to take him on. The FG membership wanted Coveney the last time but were rebuffed by the FG PP. Iā€™d imagine they would vote for either Coveney or Paschal way ahead of Harris this time as well if given the choice. But the PP want Harris. A dweebier version of Varadkar.

Sure our supposed best ever Taoiseach is a lad who shot his own brother by accident.
Our supposed national hero is a lad who rocked into an ambush full of drink


Last time I ever place a politics bet based on @Spideyā€™s opinion


It was just the No/No money that was lost


Paul Reynolds just made clane shit out of McEntee there on news at one regarding the guard who was suspended for 3 years for loaning a bike to some auld farmer

How does this affect the fellas firing money at the betting yesterday?
