Ireland politics (Part 2)

RUC Harris mustā€™ve given him the nod

Reynolds is anti Drew Harris. Harris wants to modernise and reform the Gardai shur

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Simon Harris to be our Taoiseach, good grief.

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Heā€™s like a young Montgomery Burns.




True, the people donā€™t see her as on that level

Simon Harris doesnā€™t pass the eye test. Leo has absolutely fucked FG the way he has gone about this. The time when Coveney shouldā€™ve gone for the leadership, he hasnā€™t.

Richard Bruton mustā€™ve known nothing about this, heā€™d have stuck around Iā€™d say.

Iā€™ve heard anecdotally reports that FG rank and file are incredibly disheartened at best to up in arms at worst with the impending succession of Harris to Taoiseach (RTE will still presumably sift through the discord and present a vox pop of elated members). Whatsapps with wake me up when this nightmare is over, bottle of whiskey, revolver and a dark room, parliamentary party have their heads up their arses were amongst some of the whatsapps doing the rounds today.


I loves me anecdotals so i does!

Youā€™ve Pascal and Coveney on the scene there for years, bullshitting on about service; the good of the country and all that rubbish and then are going to stand by and let this jumped up little prick who did journalism for 6 weeks in DIT become Taoiseach. What has he ever done? Ivan Yates pulled the same trick when he was wanted as well. Neither of those two should stand in the next general election, they canā€™t be relied upon.

None of these guys give a fuck.


We need an Eamon Dunphy/Terry Venables type intervention scenario here; Joe Brolly might be the man if he could get on RTE

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They should bring back Micheal McDowell


You did this Leo you bastard :sob: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

Eamon - F**k It (I Donā€™t Want You Back) (Dirty Version) (

Gotta do sumthin

If memory serves Coveney went before vs Varadkar. He won the popular rank and file vote by a landslide 2 to 1. Votes unweighted ended up totalling around 7,000 to Coveney and 3,500 or something like that to Varadkar but Parliamentary Party votes are weighted 66%. The PP from what I can see have always been totally at odds with their members. Imagine doubling your opponents vote and still losing. Obviously Coveney doesnt want any more of that charade and to be a FG leader these days requires a certain type of character.

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Who will Taoiseach Si appoint to his soon to be vacant ministerial role?


Coveney would be riddled with questions about his brother in any kind of contest. Last time was his chance

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Was talking to some dyed in the wool FGers today at lunch, one older, one mid-forties and they would absolutely love Coveney to take the reigns now. That was indeed a tough one to take but Iā€™d have said now is the time to take it on. There was a lot of upside with Leo then and I can understand how it happened.

Harris is no age, he hasnā€™t the experience, life experience or the standing. I think he will be ripped apart. I see him in interviews, he doesnā€™t know when to step in and out; not a statesmen; might cultivate that but i doubt it. He does this thing I remember Noonan doing as well of trying to drill opponents into the ground in debates if he sense the upper hand.

To me, this is FG tacitly saying they donā€™t want to be in government next time.

Heā€™ll be moving up in the world anyway, hardly anyone left of them