Ireland politics (Part 2)

Simon has made third level education more inclusive- why he should be Taoiseach

Maria Walsh just now.

I mean… where to start !

Simon is taking the poison chalice here, the more shrewd senior FG leadership see this and are waiting for the fall out of the next GE, harris will have to face a leadership contest to lead the opposition or go into government with FF again or SF, neither would be popular in FG

Everyone has to start somewhere but a man that never had a proper job in his life and has little to no life experience and whose biggest political achievement is bringing down the last government - will be running the country.

Chocolate mice was telling you lads for years, the current political system is outdated. But alas, it fell in deaf ears


Varadkar doing an Alex Ferguson and making sure his successor is useless and hated. Good lord that snivelling dweeb representing the country on podiums (podia?) around the globe. FG gone from their roots of decent country men like Noonan Enda and Bruton, with the occasional austere dub thrown in, to woker than the greens.

A true disaster for SF, their hopes of permanent opposition in tatters.


Albert was FF?

Not convinced Coveney doesn’t want it eventually but maybe himself and Paschal are cute enough to let Harris take the reigns headed into what will likely be a very tough couple years for FG. They’ll still be there to stab him in the back when the time comes.

Will Si go for a full reshuffle

Get some new blood at the cabinet table.
Neale-O, Jen Carroll-McNeill etc

I meant noonan corrected there

How has a Minister, who was deemed unfit for being in charge of one department now be a figurehead for all of them. Weak and woke to the core.


FF would want to distance themselves from this cunt asap. Their time has come.

For the political anoraks amongst us . Who was considered a good Health Minister in the last 20/30 years ? Always seems to be an absolute shitshow

Brian Cowen did a tremendous job


8/11 for there to be a General Election in 2024.

Surely this is a certainty? No way Simon lasts 6 weeks at this craic.


It’ll depend how the ff brethren feel about it. Simple as that. I think Harris as Taoiseach absolutely tanks the fg rural vote and if ff smell a few extra seats out of it, they may well pull the plug.

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That’s the end of FG for a while.

The lack of judgment in picking Haris is staggering.

SFF next government


Fianna Fail should be going for it now that Sinn Fein are self imploding.

The system of election in fg is gives way too much power to the parliamentary party. It isolates the grass roots . Probably the reason Coventry decided against running again. Possibly the reason Humphrey’s pulled the plug as well. Paschal the old fox sees the writing on the wall.

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Martin will have a job on his hands with a few of the backbenchers.

I’d say Damian would pass the “grand fella” test. Cc @Cheasty

I concur with dead poster @Dziekanowski’s impression of Damien English.