Ireland politics (Part 2)

He brought down the last dail term didnt he?

Will Simon last longer than Liz Truss (Brian Clough)

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Earlier on, @Heyyoubehindthebushes correctly alluded to the fact that Harris would either have to face a leadership contest in opposition or go into government with SF.

Could it be that Harris would countenance governing with them? Varadkar had given a hostage to fortune by ruling it our in perpetuity and Simon Coveney regularly railed against them also.

Maybe the unthinkable is quite thinkable after all?

ā€˜In the national interestā€™

Are we on the way back?

All members are equal but some members are more equal than others.

Martin did a great job with the National Cancer Control Programme. It really advanced our treatments in this area to a fairly world class standard.

The only way to become a notionally successful health minister in Ireland is to empire build like that.

It is a money pit and will be until we decouple direct State spending.


A cunt elected by a small cabal of cunts a third of which are hightailing out the door before the next election.


A Pascal/ MacNeill double ticket would have been a solid FG option.

Pascal is completely inoffensive. He is widely respected as knowing what he is doing without the private school jab or extra lifestyle.

MacNeill is a bulldog and appeals to the Middle Class audience who hate Sinn FĆ©in.

Harris is a politician of the age though. He is robotic enough to sustain the social media barbs that most couldnā€™t be arsed with.


A lot of cunts shiting on about Simon Coveney. Heā€™s a dope who has achieved nothing and only is where he is because he is a scion of a self perpetuating family of Cork merchant princes.


Going into government with SF would destroy FG.

They have no incentive to do it.

SF are the old FF without the parish pump. Theyll be a useless shower in goverment as they also have been a useless opposition

So why would FG go in with them?

FG should sit back and hope things implode again and they can tell everyone ā€œI told you soā€.

They want to be in opposition next time around.
Theyā€™ll tank the next election.

A general election is needed asap.

You canā€™t have an unelected taoiseach.

It says it all when Covenay, Donohue and McIntee etc had no interest in the role.


When you say ā€œimplode again ā€œ what exactly do you mean? You surely donā€™t want us to tank like we did between 08 and 11

I agree with you but the Taoiseach is elected by the Dail, Haughey, Albert, Bruton, Cowen and Leo all became Taoiseach not in the aftermath of a GE. In any case Harris will serve the shortest term of any Taoiseach to date.


As an aside, I was driving home earlier and had RTE Radio 1 on, which would be unusual.

Patrick Oā€™Donovan was out to bat for Harris. It was absolutely embarassing. He was asked what qualities does he have and all Oā€™Donovan could advise was to Harris wanting to do it all himself. Heā€™ll be delegating this time though. Childrens hospital overspend was mentioned which is an embarassing legacy for Harris too. Oā€™Donovan then advised that he has unbelievable energy. He could make it from Mayo or Galway to Limerick in one day.

Oā€™Donovan actually spoke like a child. Referenced families being like political parties and sometimes fall out over bringing out the bins.


A GE is not in fgs best interests right now. Itā€™s turning out very similar to the UK. They want to drag it out in the hope that the political landscape will turn for them. Assuming ff donā€™t pull the plug, fg will drag this out to full term now.

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O Donnovan is a complete simpleton