Ireland politics (Part 2)

I say thats the plan. The shinners will at best keep the same number of seats, fg and ff around the same +/-2. SF wont get the same level of votes particularly in working class areas.

Nothing will change maybe a ff sf government for a year and back to square one. Same policies same output of public service and same issues in housing and healthcare.

At this stage it wouldnā€™t surprise me if either or both of Coveney and Pascal donā€™t run in the next GE

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An utter simpleton. An embarassment to be honest.

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Looking forward to the next general election whenever it happens. Itā€™s going to be extremely spiteful - cunts from FG having cuts at cunts from SF whoā€™ll have a go at cunts from FF, The Greens, Labour and everyone else.

As an aside, there is such a general anger out there that we could have a politician(s) physically attacked on the campaign trail next time round. Not saying itā€™s right but lots of people are fed up, the referendums are a symbol of the frustration out there.

That hefty Rabbitte lady in Galway getting cow dung thrown at her could be the least of it.

Covenay is overrated I think anyway. I donā€™t remember him achieving anything of note other than pushing back against journalists in Davos as he walked alongside Peter Sutherland a few years back.

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The independents will be the kingmakers of the next dail


Iā€™d say Harrisā€™ heart is in the right place, but the jury is out if he could be taken seriously as the leader of a household not to mind a country.

Need an election.

Nope. But an economic downturn would focus a few minds.


Can you elaborate on how that would work ?

I suppose thatā€™s half the problem. Simpletons deciding which simpleton to pick.


They need to start paying TDā€™s way more. Salaries should be doubled.

Iā€™d go along with that if we went for half the tds and doubled the pay


No, we need more politicians.

Getting rid of town councils was one of the worst political decisions of all time.

Headshot on ivana


Meehawl for bringing in the smoking ban. Stood up against many internal dissenters

Didnā€™t he get rid of the health boards that they are now bringing back?

Thereā€™s a low bar here for good health ministers. Smoking ban probably most significant policy in health since the 60s.
Local health boards were riddled with cronyism so probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

I think it was well flagged even at the time that unless there was massive redundancies after the mergers there would be no savings and a massive admin section doing nothing.

Those middle admin folks have basically crippled the health services. Itā€™s impossible to get anything done with them


Heā€™s probably the worst deputy leader Iā€™ve ever seen in politics.

He did nothing for Varadkar.