Ireland politics (Part 2)

Any politician you like/respect?

I agree with all of that

Limerick ROD for Taoiseach

German system

I think Garrett will retain that.

A quick google tells me re German health system ā€œAbout 11% of the population has private health insuranceā€.

I think Pawschal is decent. Knows what heā€™s doing always on top of his brief and other important matters. A safe pair of hands when thereā€™s some shit show unfurling.

Iā€™ve mixed feelings on SF Doherty. Think heā€™s excellent when prepared. But anything off script and heā€™s a bit lost. At least heā€™s good when heā€™s on though.

Iā€™d be struggling outside those two.

Martin is a grand inoffensive type. Heā€™d probably be a good president.

To be fair to Leo he would have been alright if he wasnā€™t so insufferably smug and so proudly out of touch.

Iā€™d be seriously struggling at the ballot box if it was tomorrow. Iā€™d imagine Iā€™ll be in the same boat come election time.

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Peadar Toibin is the best party political leader at the moment by a mile.

Should make gains in the next election. If he was over Sinn Fein rather than Mary Lou, I reckon theyā€™d walk it.

People have had enough of the ultra progressive craic I think.


FFG are going to end up being one party now. 30% of FGā€™s TDā€™s walking is a shocker for them 9-12 months out from election.

SF will make good gains in the last weeks before the election when people realise its the only chance to get FFG out. Not enough for a majority though obviously

They offer nothing different though to FFG really. People are dropping off from them for that reason. Mary Lou doesnt have it either. As a leader she isnā€™t it.

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They have gone to the centre to try and take the middle ground. They have very little to distinguish them from the others now.

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If Verona has her wits about her she could assemble a right motley crew of independents for an Alliance. She has 10 candidates running in the Wexford Local Elections under the Wexford Independent Alliance group. Michelle Oā€™Neill the international soccerball referee being one of them. And a few others that would be high profile locally and could easily mop up a few non-political votes if people bother to turn out to vote.

Thereā€™ll be a ball of independents in the next government youā€™d imagine. An indictment of all the parties.

Absolutely. If AontĆ¹ could put together a decent band of candidates, they would make hay.


Oh there will of course. But theyā€™re fuck all use to anyone on their own. Verona has the gumption and the ignorance to be able to bring a few of them together as a group in a more organised way that the way Wallace and Daly used to do it. It would be pure anti govt stuff but it could end up actually damaging Sinn Fein if she made any attempt at it

Simple Stevie

Itā€™s inevitable really.

Costs are spiralling out of control

The Healy Raes need to decide if they will stick with two or run a third. If they managed it right theyā€™d get three in no bother

Things have gone so bad that I reckon Fianna Fail, a party that could have been killed off, will make gains in the next election. Weā€™ll have an increase in rooooral independents, running on single issue platforms. I wonder will SF lose some seats? The various IrelandisFull candidates - even though theyā€™re ideologically completely different to SF - might take a few first preferences off SF.

How about Labour? Could they make some gains by default.