Ireland politics (Part 2)

Its those type of cunts that try to tell you how you should be living and treating people that you have to watch the most because more often that not they are biggest fuckers there are. Just look at those who have been running charities and then being caught with their hand in the jar or those usually men who all for women’s right but are the biggest bastards around in private and have no interest in what they are campaigning for.


It’s cynicism, people like Brezzie are a perfect example. People who need the spotlight, want the money or the power and infect certain social causes so they can present themselves as morally superior to everyone else when they don’t give a toss.

Covid has introduced a lot of these nutters to the public eye.

I dont think this is true. You could throw a lot at her but she certainly wasn’t absent/unsympathetic. Ineffective and naive maybe but she certainly cared a lot about the mother and baby home stuff.

For FG it’s bizarre. She may have spoken out against the Joan Burton thing in court, but the facts are that she was involved in the water charges protest.

She is entitled to her view and regardless of your opinion of the protests, I don’t understand how FG could give a cushy number like this to someone involved in those protests. They directly led to their loss of many seats in 2016 and governments now being afraid to make bold policy decisions.

You’ve nothing to go on here apart from her words, her inaction and the words of survivor groups suggest otherwise

It’s typical of FG’s misguided attempts to pander to the woke crew by actually throwing their weight behind someone not all that popular with the woke crew.

Is there any woke cunt liked by the Woke crew?

Survivor’s groups are continually at odds with each other. They were hugely wronged by society and had their lives ruined, and are rightly angry. Finding a solution or solutions is an entirely different matter. Survivors groups have said they don’t want a referendum but without that it’s difficult to see what could change. What I can tell you is that theres a whole load of bullshit around this, it’s an easy stick for opposition tds to whack the government with. Many of them dont understand the issues involved in my opinion. I can also tell you that it was Zappone who pushed to have illegal birth registrations declared as that, which was hugely significant and faced opposition in doing that. I’m also pretty sure that Zappone met with survivors groups on this more than any previous minister. Whatever you think of her, she wasnt lazy or disinterested.

The worst thing about Irish BHs is that they’re too compacted together. You have that run from St Patrick’s Day, Easter Monday (and many get Good Friday off too), May Bank Holiday and then the June Bank Holiday. At least 4 in about 10 weeks.

Space those out a bit, I’d push the May bank holiday to the last week of May and move the June one until the first week of July.

I am pretty sure Zappone would not have taken an admirable stance. Maybe she should have resigned but then again Zappone did what was best for Zappone.

St Brigid’s Day should be a bank holiday.
It’s the longest run in the year without a holiday, it’s a depressing time of year, it’s a traditional day of national significance. It would have always been a national holiday only for British governance.


Ambitious is good. If she’s joining the government she should have demands laid out in advance, otherwise she’s installed as a minister but actually has no rope or power to do anything. Which is what I was alluding to above, she had no influence in that government to get support to drive things. But I still think she was ineffective. The department she had has huge scope for high impact changes. Many of the services under the department are chronically underfunded, ripe for big announcements, X number new social worker jobs kind of thing, etc. It also owns a lot of majorly controversial issues where reform is needed, I don’t think she made any headway on any of them, she certainly wasn’t conspicuous as a driving force behind any reforms that I noticed. I gather there’s a lot of resistance to change in areas of that department, but that’s absolutely no excuse.


Ah lovely! 5 years later and the Blueshirts are still seething over the water charge protests.

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a very simple fix that would free up a huge number of social workers would be to extend the interim care orders out to 6 months. that would take the heat out of a lot of the court action, hugely reduce legal and guardian ad litem costs and free up social workers to actually work with families with a view to returning those who can be returned rather than have parents and social workers at each others throats each 28 days

Dobbo is filleting Coveney on Radio One now.

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As I said, it doesn’t matter what your view of the protests was, but it is quite incredible that FG would reward someone who helped inflict that kind of political hit on them. :man_shrugging:t2:

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She had little morals so they could rely on her by giving her a plum number. That’s basically the essence of it.

Yeah I don’t mind, also just making the point that the summer should have more too.

She was a good little poodle for them subsequently in all fairness.

I caught this, dear lord absolute car crash from Coveney. I thought he was supposed to be the intelligent one?