Ireland politics (Part 2)

No, you’re completely wrong about all of that there, and he was not convicted.

I think it’s pretty telling about people, when they line up against a law to protect people from racist abuse. We’ve had people beaten up and murdered on our streets recently for being foreign or being gay. But we’ve people who won’t be affected by these rules in any way, lining up to tell minorities that no, we are against a law that prohibits racism, go fuck yourself.



Can’t do reasoned debate so resort to abuse. You’ll go far in the political and civil service sphere with that attitude.

Nobody on this thread has defended physical assaults or racism or misogyny. You are deflecting.

We already have laws to prosecute people for racist abuse. Apply them. Nonsense new laws, which the justice minister can’t even define, are just to be seen to do something. Rather than wasting time on these laws, when they can be dealt with under current legislation, I’d prefer if she was sticking more Guards on the streets of our capital and around the rest of the country.


Hard to argue with this point regardless of one’s opinion on the legislation

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There’s also NFAOTP.

there’s legislation there just not deployed correctly

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It’s not even a relevant point. You can walk and chew gum at the same time, it’s not one or the other, you can do both things. She has increased the number of gardai. It can’t be done overnight. There’s only so many new hires can be taken on at a time.

I know you’ll keep saying up is down. But you’re incorrect here. The gardai day the legislation is out of date. It’s from near half a decade ago. It’s from before the flipping internet. You’re quite simply wrong on this point.

The gardai ain’t asking for this


Jesus lads the Higher Education sector seems to be really struggling these days

He was hopeless as a Minister there by all accounts

I thought it was a cuntish, petty speech myself. There’s a time and a place for criticism but you’d think this lassie could stick a sock in it when it comes to the election of a Taoiseach, but no she can’t do that either. It’s constant negativity with this lady. Has she ever anything positive to say?


I didn’t listen to it it’s nine minutes long but should the leader of the opposition welcome a government parachuting in a new taoiseach that hasn’t even led his party into an election for the second time in recent memory? Also, “lassie”? Art will like that one.

Yeah they should. They should be capable of putting the petty stuff aside for one day and show a bit of leadership. She could take a leaf out of Michelle O’Neills book who is doing a far better job in a much more difficult situation


Performed when the mans immediate family and children were in the gallery. She coulda waited until today, have the decency to let the mans family have their day, but she loves a good sturdy grandstand to get up on.

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Agreed. We didn’t used to do things that way in Ireland.

In fairness

Spoken like a true cap doffer.

This is the 3rd T this current government has installed… Should they hold off criticism until the 5th or 6th one is installed?

This fella has failed at everything in life and in government but you want him to have his day in the sun :person_shrugging:t2:


I can understand your view. In light of the carry on of Harris and Varadkar in terms of respecting the state, the cabinet and the dĂ il though, they have earned no respect. They dont deserve any. I would agree with her that the cosy (hospital) passing over of taoiseach for the third time is bollox.


Fuck him, fuck his family and fuck you… They’ve carved the state up between for 100 years and this is just more of the same… This dweeb is being installed to maintain FFG in power, it’s not in the interest of the country.

Paddy is gas… If this type of carry-on was going on anywhere else you’d have fellas here falling over themselves throwing snide remarks at how that country works.

Happens in Ireland and they’re bending over - yes yer honor, no yer honor, tree bags full yer honor… quislings.

I’m off to lunch now seething at the bastards

The problem really is rareing