Ireland politics (Part 2)

I donā€™t think the situations in NI and here are comparable. On reflection I take your point about making an effort to make politics less divisive. But Iā€™m not sure welcoming in a lad parachuted in as taoiseach is the way to go about it being the leader of the opposition.

There was similar griping in lots of circles about lack of civility from the opposition in the wake of Varadkarā€™s resignation when they were calling for an election instead of issuing plaudits.

That did occur to me.

Interesting that he got pushback on it though.

Itā€™s how our system works.

Itā€™s highly representative in nature and that fact has made it challenging to form governments with long term leaders in place given where the votes have gone.

People need to start joining the dots that voting for Independents and hard left agitators with no interest in governing like PbP results in this.

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Mary Lou was dead right yesterday. Kids still bent over backwards in pain and this cunt telling Sean Oā€™Rourke years ago that they wouldnā€™t be waiting more than 4 months.

The most expensive hospital in the world and still goingā€¦ FF had no confidence in him as minister of health but his track record asā€¦ Minister of higher education :grinning:ā€¦ Has impressed them so much they voted him in as Taoiseach.

And we should all be happy about it.


There was no dignity in that at all. Really low level shit from Mary Lou.

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Thereā€™s no bother having a cut off him, and thereā€™s plenty of reasons to do so. To do so yesterday was classless however.

The family men rowing in behind Mary Louā€¦.

Itā€™s gas when FG supporters blame people voting for PBP for how shit FG are.


She had positive words for Slab Murphy.


Who else can go into government?

This is just reality. Lots of people seem to protest and single interest vote these days.

This is the result and thatā€™s fine, but take a bit of ownership of it.

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Wonā€™t someone please think of the children? (Not the ones with scoliosis, simonā€™s ones)



Tim: ā€œpeople shouldnā€™t vote for minority parties.ā€
Also Tim: ā€œbring back the PDs!ā€

Harris hasnā€™t bothered his hole showing up for Parliamentary Questionsā€¦

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Mary Lou was right to have a few cuts off the slippery fucker. God knows when sheā€™ll get the chance again.

Jaysus thatā€™s a great speech

Iā€™d say he went on a fair tear last night. Youā€™d hardly blame him.