Ireland politics (Part 2)

I don’t have a problem with minority parties (and Indos to extent), when they want to govern.

Despite the claims of a “carve up” historically, the following parties have helped form governments in Ireland.

  • FF
  • FG / CnG
  • Labour
  • Clann na Pobachlta
  • Clann na Talmhan
  • National Labour
  • Progressive Democrats
  • Democratic Left
  • The Greens
  • Various independents

That is not a bad spread.

There has been a clear lurch though to Independents and parties who don’t want to government since 2011. Once upon a time even someone like Tony Gregory who delivered for his constituency was at risk come election time. Social media and a media love of the theatrics has given this types a bigger platform.

The blame for this goes throughout the DĂĄil. The Independents are made up of a wide array of gene pool independents, including FF and FG. Even someone like Denis Naughton who did the right thing in going into Government is guilty of spreading this type of mĂ© fĂ©iner politics when he is FG in all but name. I would say votes for PbP are basically wasted ones, they have no interest in governing. The Soc Dems to a degree in the last election were a party that you couldn’t trust as much given their leadership, but I think Cairns is serious.

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The current government have already alternated Taoiseachs
 And this is their 3rd go at it
 Hardly the same.

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What does that have to do with what you quoted?

You can’t trust so and so but you can trust FG (as they parachute in their second taoiseach that hasn’t led the party in an election).

What are you going on about? This is about the make up of the DĂĄil generally.

Do you think if the current polling numbers are reflected in seats that we will find it easier to form a government this time?

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We should let government parties elect a new Taoiseach every year. They can bring a bus load of their family up and have a marching band parade through the Dail and cake then in the bar. We’ll make a national holiday out of it and auld fellas like Blue and Fagan can shed a tear about the decency of the whole thing.

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First day on the job and already a no show.

Ah would you stop with the silly deflection. We all understand proportional representation ffssake. My point is that both harris and varadkar have had no problem disrespecting our dàil, our cabinet and in vardkar’s case, the office of taoiseach. Playing the high moral ground is a card they no longer have. He has his chance now, we’ll see how he goes.

You abuse people for being adopted. You’ve celebrated when lads got stabbed or assaulted. You’ve no moral basis that is anything approaching decency.


I’ve loads of morals.

You weren’t an Irish Press reader I take it.

Yes I’d like a bit of decency and civility in politics.


Hear here :clap:

I’d hope they wouldnt attack Mary Lou about assorted events the day she becomes Taoiseach. If they do, I’ll be more than happy to call it out as morally offensive on here.

Disrespecting how?

If there was a referendum in the morning that the minute a Taoiseach steps down, a General Election should be called, it would carry significantly. Having a game of musical chairs with the most important role in the state is blaguarding of the highest order and is a fuck you to the electorate.


The first day as Taoiseach is like graduating from college with your degree, everyone gets dressed up and they all go for dinner afterwards, it is meant to be a lovely day out for everyone, Mary Lou failed to read the room again


The electorate needs to give a party a proper mandate at the next election, something it has failed to do in recent elections.


Start as you mean to go on

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

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