Ireland politics (Part 2)

He couldnā€™t be arsed to turn up to work in the Dail on his first day but happily posts away on the ā€˜Gram.

You reckon the Taoiseach is posting his own Insta stories???

It was never going to happen with fgs standing in the polls and the added factor that at least 11 of them have stated they wonā€™t stand again. Theyā€™ll try and ride it out for as long as they can in the hope of gaining some ground back. If the public coffers stay in a decent state, you can expect a fairly big spending budget in the hope that will do the trick

I was atin the spuds at 7.50 ffs


@Corksfinedtboy be havin the egg and chips at 07.50


Heā€™s going to work night and day. Or at least get in ten minutes earlier than most people on his first day

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The knives are out

Blue Hugh rushing to Simple simonā€™s defence. The more things changeā€¦


A fella puts out a few chairs at a SF cumman meeting and becomes a Sinnerbotā€¦exhibit A

Blue Hugh shilling for a SPAD post

More like Mussolini leaving the light on in his office so people would think he was working late


Hear hearā€¦

Thereā€™s a time & a place for hurling the manā€¦

Iā€™m not sure what he achieved the first day but Iā€™m not sure it could have been improved upon by perma-angry Mary-Lou lepping and roaring at him all to get a video for the socials and to garner a few likes from simpletons like @Kyle

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All the lads whinging & bitching about the Government using 3 different Taoiseachā€™sā€¦ā€¦

I wonder how many are involved in local politics or party political activism?

Easy from the cheap seatsā€¦


SF have come a long way - when theyā€™re taking their inspiration from David Cameron :joy:

Itā€™s probably a bit of stretch to credit Cameron with inventing the walk&talk promo

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I wonder if Mary Lou & Pearse both did a duet of we want an election now would that increase the chances?

Just at the supper then

Yep, they were all at it yesterday during their Dail speeches but I didnā€™t hear too much detail on what they would do differently.

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