Ireland politics (Part 2)

Thatā€™s v :blush: good

Itā€™s all politics round the houses, donā€™t really mind it. SF are pond life for far more important reasons.

I donā€™t think an election suits anyone now with perhaps the exception of Fianna FĆ”il. I think Martin could do well against those two chumps and the centre craves certainty right now.

Iā€™m not on social media.

You gullible fool :joy:

windmill GIF

MM wonā€™t be running in the next GE.Heā€™ll be off the Brussels for a nice handy gig.

Brussels wont take him. Heā€™s not well got by the europeans. And heā€™s never schmoozed them like Leo.

That is classic TFK :joy::joy::joy:

Haters gonna h8

Heā€™s never had an overarching ambition to work in Brussels.

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Will Simon smells of piss Harris turn up for work today or is he still afraid of big bad Mary?

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The student accommodation situation is horrific. Simon out in time for next summer and the rush to get OisĆ­n a place in a double bedroom with 6 others for 900 a month a head

No need to wonder looks like there will be a daily update

Failing up ā€¦ His kids must be so proud @myboyblue

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Varadkar 101 here by smells of piss :clap:

He did not do a good job. And now we have that poindexter from NCW at the helm.

But but but heā€™s working day and night, night and day :person_shrugging:t2:

Do you want Munster to have a Minister or not? Fall in

I couldnā€™t give a fuck if Munster had a Minister or not.
I actually know Oā€™Donovan from years back. An ok sort, but I wouldnā€™t have ever considered him Ministerial material.