Ireland politics (Part 2)

Who is O Donovan?

Look ideally weā€™d have ROD in government but need a token Mid-west representative at cabinet to keep an eye on Sleepy Eamon and protect Rooral Oireland



Is he the simpleton the lads on here get the dig outs from?

Matt Matt Matt

Brave of Maria to bring up voting records there.


yes, im fluid in my opinions, he is right there


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Looks like unlawful killing is going to be the verdicts but the proof in the pudding will be a bitterly in a cell

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Thereā€™s not a hope of a Butterly doing time. Of course they were protected at the time by their buddy Haughey.

Oh I know. Theyā€™ve been protected for over 40 years now and are the only ones to get any compensation as a result of the fire.

Surprised they didnā€™t experience vigilante justice

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Of all the shit Haugjey pulled this was probably the most abhorrent.

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He received 581k compensation when as Indo puts it a house in Dublin average price was 30k

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I was in that area a few weeks ago bringing the little one to the Dinos Alive exhibition. I didnā€™t realise it was still called Butterly Business Park and the below mural and flowers in the middle of it. It turned my stomach, so I can only imagine how the victimā€™s families feel


Harris left McEntee in Justice seemingly in the belief she would get a handle on her Depts end of the immigration mess but its evident that in the week just passed that she is making no headway and seems as flustered as ever. Couple that with the increasing impatience among her FG colleagues around her position in the Drew Vs Gardai divide and youā€™d wonder if sheā€™ll survive until the summer ā€˜breakā€™?

Sheā€™s toastā€¦ And giving her the bullet will strengthen Si , for a bit.

No it wonā€™t. Itā€™ll just highlight how weak he was that he kept her

Itā€™s all in the spin

Had a good chat with An TĆ”niste yesterday afternoon in our front garden as he was out canvassing. Mrs Locke was there too. Heā€™s very engaging and we put some local matters across as he was supporting a local FF councillor who is looking for re-election.