Ireland politics (Part 2)

Did he have the govt jet collect him?


What a cigarette

He has to go

Mighty hoopla? The headlines just write themselves

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The state of him, what’s up with the nose action?

Also. A Cheryl Cole concert? Seriously, on that alone he should have to resign

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I think we have the flavour of the event.
Was Matt with him?


The big question is did he eat it?

I’d say Leo genuinely does not give a fuck about the litany of scandals and fuck ups he has been embroiled in over the last few year. But he will be absolutely seething at getting caught on camera rooting for cabbage leaves.


Gas cunts

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I’m not a fan of Leo but lads throwing the toys our over electric picnic are fucking gas. It was refused permission by the council


Wait till they hear about 40k in croke park :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Refused on the most up to date public health advice at the time I think.

After it was refused the first time, Tony made a comment at the NPHET briefing saying he would have no problem with it going ahead for the fully vaccinated. That was never in the legislation so LCC we’re still within their right to refuse.

It would have required an update to the legislation for it to go ahead and they didn’t do it…

Who in their right mind would want to stand in a field in Laois in October?


Did Leo fly Ryanair or did he take the gubbermint jet?

They could have doubled it up with the ploughing


There’s more than enough ploughing done at electric picnic.

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Kate O Connell putting the boot in on Brendan o Connor here now.

O Connor is such a fuckin bootlicker


The stooks in Laois council happy to nominate Gemma O’Doherty for president but unwilling to bend the rules to let the Picnic go ahead. For Shame.