Ireland politics (Part 2)

Gemma was lower on the batshit ladder when they dvoted for here to be on the ballot paper. they didnā€™t nominate her for President

They deserve an ASOTY ( group award ) for the EP decision


How can he spin this? He got a lift while transporting organs for a transplant?

Surely this will have to be clarified.

Shame on the opposition if they are not all over it.

Shur there has to be a perk or two with most jobs so there has

Lads wanting Leo to get the train and boat combo to get home

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Thereā€™s a mountain of sleaze against the blueshirts now.the longer martin dithers about firing leo means the more likely FF will be the electoral mudguard for FG

Abusing tax payers cash and assets to attend a degenerates event.
Rome is well and truly in flames .


Leo playing the fiddle up his nose

WTF was he thinking?

I can do whatever I want and that dolt Chump doesnā€™t have the balls to get rid of me.


The lads have just been ripping the piss with the restrictions, no fucks given.

Why is Kate vexed with Leo ?

Ps, a genuine question, can the tanaiste simply requisition the govt jet at a whim?
Is there no check on its use, or at what level of govt is one able to dictate itsā€™ use?

No he canā€™t. If its not a coincidence that the jet was in London and it emerges he did in fact use it to get home from a concert then Iā€™m afraid heā€™ll have to go.

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Put the breaks on there for a second. This is some bint on twitter just assuming he used the government jet. Iā€™m not saying he didnā€™t but if he did , well its both stupid and arrogant. Iā€™m in the wait and see room at the moment. If it turns out he didnā€™t use it, then everyone can fuck off. Heā€™s entitled to go where he wants. Like I said, Iā€™m no fan of Leo but the knives are being sharpened very early here.

Well, he clearly can. The jet wasnā€™t there coincidentally. Who makes the final decision about jet requests ?
Can Leo just make a call and itā€™s done?
I can understand it being at the behest of the taoiseach, but the tanaiste seems a stretch.
Leo will have the PR team ready to rumble.

The government jet angle canā€™t be true. If he used tax payer funded transport to go to some pop festival then he deserves to be sacked.

Chump is already drawing up the defence for him, like a battered housewife defending the transgressor out of blind loyalty.