Ireland politics (Part 2)

All cabinet members apply in writing to taoiseach office in writing for approval to use the jet

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Thanks art. Was wondering.

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If they canā€™t give a very quick, concise and definitive answer that no, he didnā€™t use the govt jet then he should be in massive bother here and Chump too.

All the flak to Leo is generally by government TDs with a bee in their bonnet

Varadkar wants to be fired, heā€™d rather be in a dark nightclub with naked men.
He pushed the envelope last year with the juvenile movie quotes , heā€™s now seeing how much he can get away with

Could Leo have been in London on govt business in the morning (which could have entitled him to use govt jet) and just delayed getting his flight home do he could catch a few tunes

If he did use the jet as suggested you get the feeling he is really just seeing how far he can mug chump off

Leo is unsackable at this point. I think heā€™s gone ahead of CJH in the 2 fingers to Ireland stakes. Henry is falling way back in third

Yep but, as his rep said, he was on private time and therefore not entitled to jet

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This is probably the type of bullshit spin they will push and Martin will have to pretend this is completely legitimate and get very bitchy and snappy when he gets pressed on it. Wanker.


I agree. The point Iā€™m making is that itā€™s automatically being assumed he used it. If he did , itā€™s a whole new ball game and the happiest man in fg will be Simon Coveney.

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Agreed. He may well not have. Youā€™d no be at all surprised though, which says a bit about him

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Surely it should be a very quick call to Varadkar from his rep or FG rep. Did you use Gov jet? No. Press release, he did not.

The longer the wait to clarify this the more it looks that a spin is going to be applied.

Weā€™re in absolute agreement here boss. Itā€™s a closed question.

Yeah but surely youā€™d think with the shit over Zappone, someone would have had a word in his ear.

Thatā€™s why it doesnā€™t look good.

If he didnā€™t use the jet, he has nothing to worry about and youā€™d imagine FG or his reps would be straight out saying no he didnā€™t.

But the delay looks like they may be trying to trace back their steps, see if they can plausibly deny it and if they canā€™t to put some spin on why a govt jet was used.

Itā€™s a very, very bad luck and the longer they delay here, the more it looks like something untoward is up.

She backed Coveney vs Leo and canā€™t understand why she was frozen out.


So did Simon Harris and Leo stuck him I to health for acting the cunt. Unfortunately for Leo, the general consensus is that Simon played a stormer during the pandemic and he now has eyes on the gig himself

Any word on his trip back from London?

The drip, drip ambiguous info doesnā€™t really do them much favours on trying to nip this in the bud.

May weā€™ll have been on humanitarian visit to london. Still doesnā€™t mean leo didnā€™t pigguly back on way home.

A quick FOI should provide the answers