Ireland politics (Part 2)

That’s pretty much it really. Two reports that were ordered years before he was in office. FFG let him swing and disappeared when he was taking shit in the Dàil. They reappeared for the big sorry moment in the Dàil and then have disappeared again. All the while leaking and cutting the legs from under him.
I think Roderick is a good man who didnt have a breeze what he was in for and is paying in a big way on this front. But I also think he fucked children over during the lockdown when he should have been advocating heavily for them.

SF will lose a number of surprise seats they got last time also. The lady in Clare will have to pull more then her protestant lineage out of her magic hat to get back in. The headbanger who went on holidays and didn’t even canvas. And the Tipp Chap Browne also

I think the Greens now have a solid voting base that will hold firm despite the failings of them in govt.

What alternatives are there for most Green Party voters?

I think Martin Browne has been a fantastic addition and should build on his impressive performance last time round.

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 Tipp and Clare haven’t been happy hunting grounds for modern irish republicanism tho.

You would imagine she will top the poll of she does a bit if canvassing this time round


Maybe not :sweat_smile:

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Correct. Violet Anne lost 3,000 votes the first time people heard her speak after the election. A candidate in East Galway was pulled from UCG Golf society last minute and only missed out by a few hundred votes in one of the most conservative constituencies there is. Literally anyone running for SF had a chance last year such was the protest against RTÉ/FFG

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That Cllr McManus fella is an absolute weirdo.

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The hair :joy:

He’s like a caricature of some rugby arsehole.

Absolutely car crash stuff from Monty Burns on RTE.

Deary, deary me.

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What was the just of it

Spluttering and waffling his way through a load of questions.

Was pushed on whether he would use the chance of speaking to Biden this Wednesday to bring up the 30m unused AZ vaccines the US. Gave a waffle answer 3 times he was pressed on it. Was pressed on when the mandatory quarantining would come into effect, gave a waffle answer 3 times when asked for a specific timeline.

Genuinely came across as if he hadn’t a clue on anything he was asked. He actually comes across as incredibly dim.

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I doubt Biden has any notion who Mee-hawl is.

Fingal is being split

It will split into 2*3 TD’s by North and South

North might be fingal Joe, regional and another

South, darragh, LOR and Mayor Healy

Leafy Fingal needs to secede from Blanch et al. Rebrand as Fingal East.

Think blanch is in a different constituency