Ireland politics (Part 2)

Kneel was clearly briefed before that interview with Sarah - “keep stressing there was no role officially created or offered.”

The lovey-dovey text on March 4th blows that out of the water, with Zappone’s gushing thanks for being offered the role.

They always say it’s the little things that trip you up. This could finish Coveney. His story has already changed a few times. Leo or Paschal won’t be rushing in to save him either, as they have their own involvement to answer for.

Richmond’s denial there is incredible when the text messages are emphatically damning. It was a done deal months in advance.


Think that through Artie :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I just listened to Sarah McInerney interview back. It’s the first time in a long time we have seen some quality journalism from RTE. The great pity is it wasn’t allowed over the last 18 months re covid.


It was far from “quality journalism” . An open goal . Let’s be honest this whole story means sweet fuck all to the greater Irish public .
However the government at this stage are an utter shambles .

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Agreed. There was a stempede of fellas firing varadkar yday for going to a concert after believing some random twitter account telling them he had commandeered the government jet for it :joy::joy::joy::joy:

How much actual government time has been spent making up lies about this absolute non story. The Sinn fĂ©in support just want to bring down the government and the FF support just want to deflect away from their own shit show. I’d say the last thing we need is another general election where we won’t be able to make a solid government and nothing will be done about housing or any important stuff for another few years while it all plays out.

The Zappone stuff isn’t important but the government ‘making up lies’ as you put it, is pretty important. Also the narrative that this shit show is hampering the government from solving the housing crisis is laughable. FG are in government for 13 years and have only succeeded in making it much worse. Darragh O Brien is the minister for housing. This scandal has nothing to do with him. I dont think he is going to solve the housing crisis for lots of reasons but the Zapper isn’t one of them.


I don’t think they are solving it either. But they can get away with doing fuck all when public outrage hops from one mini drama to the next instead of focusing its ire where it is deserved

Dan Carter defending cronyism.

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Where? Let me at the bastard?

You think naked lying and corruption and nepotism are a non story?
You’re FFG to the marrow.


The Cork wagons are circling around Coveney.


They’d be doing fuck all with or without this scandal. Having said that it is very enjoyable watching the cunts trying to hang each other while scurrying for cover. I’m delighted that sanctimonious little cunt Paschal is getting dragged into it too. All the while Mehole has to keep making excuses for a load of corrupt Blueshirts. Dev and Charlie are spinning in their graves.


I am of course :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

MĂ­cheĂĄl Martin absolutely loving this side show. Heat off him for a few weeks

If Charlie thought making excuses for blue shirts could benefit him he would have no problem doing so

You think this shitshow is taking the heat off martin?

Dunno if heat is off him. It boiling over scalds him, showing his appetite to cling to his position exceeds his belief in holding the actions of the political class to account. Fact it’s not even his own party but his opposition makes him all the more sickle celled.

Relative to his biggest rivals. Yes

It is making him look weak

When hasn’t he looked weak :smiley: