Ireland politics (Part 2)

Are you on fucking drugs?!

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Indeed but really really so now .

He will look a lot weaker when the next GE happens

He wonā€™t be leading FF in to another general election . FF are goosed regardless .

I hope Coveney doesnā€™t fall on his sword for this. Heā€™s proven himself quite a good politician and streets ahead of most of the plebs representing us. Itā€™ll be some waste if this ends up as his footnote. People canā€™t be cancelled any time they make a mistake.

That performance on the Andrew Marr show should keep Coveney in the job. Heroic.

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id disagree, if anything its shown hes exactly the same as the other plebs if not worse.

do you think a good politician would have let this drag on as long as it has, or offer a crony appointment? or selectively delete texts that are subject to FOI? or to then claim his phone was hacked to try and get out of his lies?

these are all amateurish behaviour and although simon thinks he has the pedigree, it all clearly shows that when the shit hits, he clearly isnt capable



We have been hearing this for the last decade. Itā€™s grand cover for self serving politicians. ā€œshur mistakes were madeā€ ā€œitā€™s not the right time for an electionā€ ā€œno public appetititeā€ etc etc. Its Michael Martin most at fault for this. He had plenty of opportunities to bring down FG/LAB govt when in opposition but instead chose to prop them up no matter the scandel. No wonder Varadker feels like he can mug him off any time he feels like it nowadays. He knows Martin will do fuck all. Too interested in his own legacy. Which will be that heā€™s the weakest leader the country has ever seen.


Coveney has to go

Barry knows the craic


He was the Minister for Housing that introduced the Rebuilding Ireland ā€œplanā€.

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gary gannon doing the job properly rather than grandstanding like cowen and brady

Coveney will have to go.

goreyā€™s james lawless filleting coveney

An impressive politician

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Cant say fairer than that.

Time to move on.

sorcha clarke showed up most of the rest of the committee and nailed coveney. hes toast