Ireland politics (Part 2)

I agree he made a balls of handling this whole thing. But I have no doubt he was giving her that job in good faith with the anticipation that she would have been perfect for it. The UN representative for LGBT rights or whatever it was? Sure she was ideal and the post would be something Iā€™m sure the government wanted to be a success for their optics of being this liberal progressive society country now (not that I agree with it which is besides the point). Did someone say the post carried a salary of 15k a year? FFS talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.


The finest example of Stroke Politics this decade. For a defeated Independent as well.
Coveneyā€™s paltry attempt at deletions, cover-ups and downright spoofing mark him out as exactly that - a spoofer. The honourable thing for him here is resign his ministryā€¦
You can defend him all you like but heā€™s been caught rotten and has to go.


imagine losing a lifetimes work/career facilitating a lizard such as Zappone


Jane Soap?



Chump really is completely gutless. Most watery Taoiseach we ever had. A harmless bystander during this farce.



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Sinn Fein might also explain why their MPs are claiming over 150k sterling each for seats they donā€™t even sit in.

Letā€™s get rid of everyone good who ever makes one mistake.

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Look over there, itā€™s Sinn Fein.


Shinnerbotsā€™ auto-drivers have kicked into overdrive.

The new excuse is ā€œthe dogs ate our homeworkā€.


its a case study of how to make an absolute fuck of things

the only thing going for zapper for this is that she is LGBTQI+. her record in govt was shite

the salary wasnt 15k PA. zappone wouldve been on a per diem rate equivalent to principal officer 1 salary scale which starts at over 90k. then theres the additional pension entitlements, travel and subsistence rates and accommodation as well as secretarial support. couldve easily cost north of 250k per annum

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Politics is just one big massive trough, and the only aim is to see how high you can get so you can extract a bigger share.
This Zappone thing is fairly small fry in the scheme of things, but the view behind the curtains is very revealing.
As for that other fucking egit going to a music festival at full capacity when they arenā€™t allowed here, jesus wept. How much do these clowns spend on PR advisors again? They are tone deaf.

Worst of all is Mickey Martin though, Christ above what a spineless cowardly man. He could score a pile of points off FG here, but trot out the ā€œnow is not the time for a general electionā€ while simultaneously destroying Varadkar and Coveney. If nothing else it would surely be a nice bit of vengence for the 40 knives heā€™s got in the back, and build up a bit of support for him within FF. But no, his sole concern is to be Taoiseach. And you wouldnā€™t mind if he was pursuing something as Taoiseach, but sure the fucker just wants to sit there and make no decisions. Useless bastard.

FF are going to get wiped out at the next election, and by god do they deserve it


What is dead may never die

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He wants to get to The White House on Paddyā€™s day as Taoiseach.

He gets a picture there and he has a special place marked out to hang it in his house.

That is literally all he cares about now. He was hellbent on going to Washington this year until Biden told him to stay at home.


Its the queens money. They should take every penny


It was a blessing he didnā€™t go the Yanks wouldnā€™t know know what to make of him with his hand movements and fake smiles and nasally Cark accent and bland general dullness they loved Enda with his fist pumping, backslapping plamas and giving it the we came in our coffin ships and built this great country in the land of the hope and the free oul blarney