Ireland politics (Part 2)

Where is the additional detail on the salary? Someone else mentioned accommodation being paid also before.

It’s also not as if she’d go off and do the job on her own. Who is going to provide executive support to her, the ambassador that’s already fairly busy representing Ireland on the security council?

Could be worse. Could have been aome awkward wonk talking about socks.

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the PO scale is well covered n the media, as was the secretarial support (an AO or HEO, of zappones choosing, IIRC) then there’d be the standard DFAD serving in NY allowances (rent, living abroad, im sure zapper would still claim she has her house in ireland)

Sure if he tried to get tough now he would look like the Cork lads trying to start a scrap in the last few minutes of the hurling final. Leo will judo throw him around the place and break his pen for signing things.


The strongest he looked was when he said you can forget about takeaway pints. All while takeaway pints were legal


Can you link to it? If she already lived in NY why would we pay rent or expenses? But then nothing about this makes sense. It would also cost a fuck load to send a secretary to NY to support her. And then would that be a full time role to support her part time job? You can’t make sense of it. And she’d still be a strain on the rest of the system out there too.

In all fairness to Martin, why would he say anything until this has played out?

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Zappone job would have required up to 30 days’ work for first six months (

Im sure youve seen HR memos go around for overseas service and the allowances attached. ive not seen one for NY but ive seen a few for washington, and its a lot of money for allowances. zappone, living in rented accommodation in NY, could easily claim shes living in ireland to avail of these

I dunno, maybe because he is the guy running the whole show?

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The dozy cunt is hardly fit to run a bath.

TBF, if he did, some party colleague would probably come up behind him and try to drown him


It isn’t remotely revealing, or even slightly surprising


This thing is still running. You’d be stupid to say anything til the picture is clearer.

Not seeing anything about her rent being paid but the whole thing is bizarre so maybe.

She could have used Irish names?

for all abroad service positions theres both a COLA (cost of living allowance) and a rent allowance. given her shenanigans to claim an extra 10k for travel expenses to the dail, do you not think it wouldnt be beneath her to move back to the irish house for a month of 2 to claim the rent allowance?


No I wouldn’t at all, just haven’t seen anything written anywhere that rent was to be paid.

why do you think the T&C of her contract weren’t published under FOI?

Dunno, presume the decision is published online if you want to check it.