Ireland politics (Part 2)

You and they have lost any right to complain about Paisley doing the same then.

I only worry about the cunts robbing the irish tax payer

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yep, and its tenuous, at best

Simon could do with a haircut


Jayses lads, I shudder to think of the wheelin and dealin done back in the day before technology got a grip. I still reckon though if this was under cjh’s watch, there wouldn’t be a fucking peep about it


Who knew @Smark was a blueshirt.He hid that well.


CJH would have told Zappone to go fuck herself.


It wouldn’t have gotten that far up the totem pole, PJ Mara would have scoffed at the idea and that would be that. The whole sorry episode is crying out for the long lost Scrap Saturday team.


Christy above, has the man why backbone

Time to move on now

And rightly so

Getting a tad boring at this stage.

How do lads expect Champ & Leo to run the Country at all.

Coveney must be stuck for support if Hildaaaa is the best FG can muster from the bull pen

Hildegard vs pearse. This’ll be a duck shoot for the shinners

Even Miriam is even losing it with dopey Hildy :rofl: :rofl:

Piece on long covid now. Switching off

RTE keeping the COVID pot simmering until the winter peak


Long COVID = the new fibromyalgia

That reminds me, what ever happened with Luke Ming’s Twitter hacking investigation? :thinking:

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Big Jim on there with Scare Byrne. The seethe is rising in him. There’ll be skin and hair flying in Ballyconnell tomorrow. There’s something off kilter with Jim, he’s on the verge of combustion.