Ireland politics (Part 2)

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Simon is laying waste to the lot of them.

Soon it will all be Simons

Simon should have criminal proceedings brought against him.

Both Simons should have.

Champ will get the chop at the slieve russell

O’Dea, O Cuiv, MacSharry - a veritable who’s who of the people to lead FF into the future and connect with modern Ireland.


What are the ramifications of a no confidence vote carrying through?

Will he have to step down as FF leader and would that mean him stepping down as Taoiseach?

You’re a big fan of Micheal Martin.


Not really.

Mary Lou has laid to down to Meek-le Martin.

Coveney has to go.

Simon is off chairing UN meetings, and Paddy wants him ended for a bit of political chicanery.

Paddy is a gas cunt.

You’d think after Big Phil Paddy would have learned his lesson.

You left out Haughey.

**[quote=“artfoley, post:1350, topic:33686, full:true”]
Champ will get the chop at the slieve russell


4 cork tds.

Not good

Have any FF TDs being asked about this?

He also omitted Calleary, a 3rd generation FF stalwart. The Callearys have been members of the Oireachteas for nearly 70 years. They can’t all be wrong, or can they. Champ out….

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It’s going to be some craic when that stupid cunt O’Callaghan gets what he wants and then has to form a front bench of talentless gombeens


There’s hardly any need to worry just yet, Jim is unlikely to be handed the armband any time soon.



FF grassroots won’t want a South Dublin rubby man in charge surely?