Ireland politics (Part 2)

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If you need someone to come along and defend you, no better man than Colm seems to think they will.

Barry is free money

Big Jim will probably lose his seat next time

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Definitely. Andrews, FG and Sleepy Eamon are certs. Jim in a battle with Bacik.

Surely not. A decisive, hard nosed pragmatist is the requirement at this point. That’s not Jim, he’s just the same as the current head-nodding arm waving wimp.

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Niall Collins jesus. Hopefully PP reports anyone who takes that bet to the relevant services


Willie O’Dea has done more to deserve it.

Leo will be leader of ff after the next election

Willie has enough in his plate sorting limerick out. He can’t be doing it for the nation.

Presumably FF aren’t looking for a part-time leader who’s doing it as a side-hustle to his main earner

Barry is severely tainted by the fact that his brother was the worst taoiseach in history before Champ. The people wont vote for a Cowen.
McGraath is a simpering gimp from the exact same constituency as chump. He wont get it.


There needs to be a referendum to ensure that we never have a cork taoiseach again

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and he is a drunk driver

Won’t need it. Munster is the last Ff stronghold and Cork in particular. Ff wont have enough seats to have a taoiseach.

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Country folk love drink driving though. That may go in his favour.



Drink driving and ham


Nevermind ff alone. No cork taoiseach from any party. Chump is done.

Your right about munster. Ff will win a seat in nearly every constituency