Ireland politics (Part 2)

I hear this a lot and its usually spouted by halfwits.

It would be some feat if they were half as incompetent as the eejits in power at the minute. Itā€™s almost as if you say it without an ounce of irony or self awareness.

While the figures certainly seem to suggest it, vote management is the key here. If ff want to be in power with ff the first thing they need to do is get rid of chump. After that they need to agree a vote management strategy sf
Sf despite their huge success in the last election actually got their vote management wrong and probably left another 5 possibly 8 seats behind them. The dilemma they face this time is whether or not to run more candidates. Running more candidates and entering a pact with ff could backfire and backfire badly. Running more candidates on their own (which is what I suspect they will do) could well win them more seats but I suspect will still leave them in a similar position to the last time as they still wont have the numbers to form a stable government without ff.

Absolute truth

Iā€™ve decided there is absolutely no need to change the status quo.

The country is flying it bar health and housing (at least one of which seem to a massive issue in most countries).
The only other thing people are able to find to give out about is some 15k a year job appointment and a tea party.


I am fully aware of the deficiencies of the current government and previous governmentts

However things can always get worse. A whole caste of Irish people have now convinced themselves that FFG out of government is near a free pass to utopia .

SF have done very well from a portrayal of FFG . However it is no abundantly clear they would take either as a mudguard rather that left wing partires
In short they are afraid of owning their own shit .


Actually, in the long term the economic model of the country is under threat and despite being one of the richest countries in Europe we continue to have comparatively poor levels of public services.

Against that no party has outlined a coherent vision for the future.

From what I can see it will be more of the same from FF (housing plan = throw lots more money at the same things we did previously) and FG (proposing to cut taxes despite everyone agreeing on the urgent need to broaden the tax base).


We know what FFG are.

Incompetent, corrupt, for sale, privatization of fundamental services and facilities.

These policies have led to huge socials problems. I find it a bizarre line to say that the other crowd will be worse when they havenā€™t been given a chance yet over a crowd who have shown to be too crooked and incompetent to hold government.

Look at the last year, Zappone, NAGP, Wolfe, Golfgate - floundering around themselves from scandal to scandal while every policy they have introduced has only served to make the big social issues like housing and health worse.

They simply donā€™t have politicians of the calibre of Doherty or Oā€™Broin. They actually donā€™t seem to have politicians of any calibre whatsoever.

The tone deaf and arrogant nature of FG in tackling their policy failures, their culture of corruption, their walking, talking timebomb of a leader is going to see them poll badly next time around - the Iā€™m Alright Jack demograph is an ever dwindling electoral base.

No stable government will be formed with a combination of either SF, FF or FG. Any one of those parties that tries to form a government with the sprinkling of other parties wont last long.

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The FF housing policy is the FG policy.

I disagree with this.

Iā€™ve said this on here a good few times, I donā€™t think SF will necessarily be better in government than the current lot. Due to lack of experience they will probably be worse in some areas. They deserve the opportunity to be at least as bad as what we have.

I would happily choose an SF led government over what we have in the morning. FF and FG will never do more than tinker around the edges of the major issues affecting society - such as housing - and a departure is needed.

Beyond that, FF and and FG are long gone stale, they have no vision for the future and they need to go away and refresh and figure out what it is they stand for and what direction they want to country to go.


O Doherty and O Broin are opposition politicians who have been shooting fish in a barrel for near a decade . Time will tell it they are any good .


O Broin getting the housing gig will be a departure and is the best chance of reforming and stabilising the market.

Well, itā€™s not quite. But it still wonā€™t cut it.

Yes, when he is housing minister heā€™ll be less likely to object to developments in his constituency so I guess thatā€™s progress.


Once again, itā€™s a bizzare stance youā€™re taking.

The known which is that FFG are utterly incompetent, utterly unwilling to fix things, neither have the vision or will to fix social issues, are under the influence of private business interests that override social issues and needs of their citizens.

Thatā€™s unknown, it has precedent, itā€™s proven.

What youā€™re suggesting is your own subjective bias.

Your argument is very unintelligent.

You are a SF supporter. They should be subject to scrutiny .

Do you really think they would rather have an assorted cadre of left wing parties rather than FF as a coalition partner ???

You are most naive if you think so .

Weā€™ve never had so much money in the country. Lads paying 4.50 for a coffee

There are ads up in shops and restaurants looking for staff. I donā€™t remember ever seeing that in Ireland before.

GDP will grow by 15 per cent this year - unreal really.

SF - how will they build all the houses - theyā€™ve never been clear on that

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Cullinane for Health

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Depends on how many of the left wing parties are needed really. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d prefer labour soc Dems and maybe greens to FF or fg.

If they have the numbers off they pop .