Ireland politics (Part 2)

And you are a FFG supporter.

You seem to keep ignoring the point that FFG have been catasrophic. This is absolute fact with lots of precedent supporting it, the reason you don’t want change is due to your subjective bias, not anything based on fact, evidence or precedent.

That’s simply not true. The country is awash with money.


We’d be dying in the streets.


No - I voted FF about 5 elections back . Never voted FG .

I am sceptical of them all

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I don’t know who you think you are kidding with that.

It’s amazing all the vocal anti-SF supporters who then have to claim they don’t vote FFG. That’s a small demograph really with a lot of people who claim to be in it.

We’ll just agree that you are an ashamed FFG voter.

Whatever you want to think kid .

I just go with the logic.

Slight correction


There are more than three parties, and there are non voters. You’re being a bit silly.

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What’s SF plan to build the houses - direct building labour to councils ?

The three parties took nearly 70% of the votes, so I’m perplexed of the volume of people who are very anti-SF but claim not to vote FFG.

30% of voters is perplexing to you? Add in the non voters and it’s more than a third of the electorate.

What’s perplexing about one in three?

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you shall work for grains and a sack cloth bed sheet and you shall be happy

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Be great to have a Waterford politician at the cabinet table.


You’re a bit slow so I’ll ladybird this for you,

~70% of voters vote FFG or SF

The most vocal anti FFG voters tend to hide behind things and say they don’t vote FFG yet are generally very defensive of them but slate SF.

I believe that’s disingenuous and they are what you refer to as ashamed FFG voters.

If you say so. There’s more than a third of the country unaccounted for in your numbers. I can see every reason to think ffg are shit and also think SF will be shit. So it’s entirely plausible to take that position.

SF only have three capable politicians from what I can see so they’ll p outrobably have as many fuck ups as FF and FG.

I do think Mary Lou, Doherty and O Broin can effect positive change if they can keep the rest of them between the ditches, so I’d be happy to see them in power.

Carthy, O’Broin and Doherty are probably the three most impressive politicians in the Dail right now.

I think Louise O’Reilly is a very good speaker as is the lady from Mayo whose name escapes me.

I find Mary Lou waffley.

Toibin was a massive loss for them.

They’re like pundits on the Sunday Game. We’ll have to wait and see what they are like when the plans are put to the test in the heat of battle.


The builders will be found