Ireland politics (Part 2)

Tom McFeely will have to come out of retirement

He’ll be forced at gun point

Nail on head right here

But, the money tree…

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Surely Fg and FF supporters are the most vocal anti SF? Fg and FF go to the trouble of compiling dossiers of sf anti housing votes and any contradictions in north/south policy. They tweet about it constantly. Labour*/SD/Green/PBP dont really do that.

*I do know of one Labour councillor who is vehemently SF…

They are the most vocal but some of them are too ashamed to disclose they vote for them.

Eg @Ashman

He certainly deserves a shot at it. Interesting to see how he gets on and two or three opoosition TDs man marking him and slating every proposal he makes. They are unlikely to be as effective in this role as he is himself

There are tens of thousands of unfilled jobs in the country at the moment. It is likely to be the biggest issue for business at the next election, lack of staff and resulting upward pressure on wages

There’s a long tradition of Irish politicians making a name for themselves as opposition powerhouses - harrying ministers to cheers all round. A lot less common is that any of them can line up to anywhere near their rhetoric when they achieve office. Perhaps OB will buck the trend

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Chances of that happening - 0 (Zero). I actually like O’Broin, he talks a lot of sense but the lack of tradesmen and the prohibitive costs attaching to building a scheme of houses mitigate against the problem being resolved anytime soon. Their problem is their lack of experience in serious portfolios, just envisage that loudmouth Carthy in a senior ministerial role there for a second. Frightening…


Yer man who shouts ”up the ra” will probably get foreign affairs

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I really hope for our countries sake he can

And Sinn Feins sake. He is their best operator IMO

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I don’t think anyone with a bit of sense thinks it will be resolved any time soon. O Broin understands the issues much better than FF or FG and crucially wants to and won’t be afraid to change certain things. And he’ll have Doherty backing him in finance. In fact it’s probably the party’s signature policy so he’ll have all the support he needs.

It’s hard to see what other ministry SF will want. Maybe health. They could claim credit of they get the slaintecare plan going.

Whether they want them or not is irrelevant they will have to take at least half of them. Health is one to dodge alright but I’d say that would be thrown at them non stop by the opposition

That’s only what, seven ministries? Maybe not even that if they’re sharing with two or three other parties. Of the four big ones they will have Taoiseach and finance, and they won’t want justice or foreign affairs. They’ll have housing. They’ll probably want health for same reasons as FF did. Any of the others would be grand. Something like children or culture could be a chance to show themselves in a good light.

As an observation your man Robert Watt as Secretary General of the Department of Health hadn’t exactly been a conspicuous success so far.

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He’s been very successful at getting himself more money.

I personally believe we need a rag tag goverment of lunatic independent tds, particularly rural tds. I will be running myself and will take suggestions for policies

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Just over 5 years ago Stephen Donnelly was the best performer in the 7 leader debate. Stephen fucking Donnelly!


Minister Mattie McGrath has a ring to it

team america vomit GIF

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