Ireland politics (Part 2)

That weasel Harris has been mugged off there. He’ll be fuming that he has been outed as the leaker.


You love to see it

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FF chances of being a viable political force going forward has got a boost

Marc is a quite spectacular dullard

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Si will be livid that he was accused in the wrong
Si is a good boy

His social media team have called an emergency meeting. :broken_heart:


How many times have Fine Gael chaps used “Sinn Fein” in their speeches defending Coveney?

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A reputation for leaking will really hold him back in his Fine Gael career you have to feel.


Biffo shits the pants. Disappointing

Sinn fein knew they were never going to win this but they’re going to get a bigger prize out of this. This government may survive the budget but put your money on a spring election . That’s where the win is for sf

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Simon Harris. Ireland’s pound shop John Underwood


Fuck sake. I wanted to be in the dail before Christmas and my annual report

That FG gimp Peter Burke is a thoroughly unlikeable fucker. O’Broin outfought him there with a few swift jabs and Burke quickly sank to shouting and slobbering innuendo in response. An absolute fraud.
Barry Cowen ducked and dived but apparently opted to piss outwards from the tent. Spineless also.

For all his oul’ shite and bluff MacSharry may have preserved his Dail seat, albeit in the style, but without the substance or charisma of the late Neil Blaney. The quality of elected deputies has declined dramatically over the past 30/40 years. Trough sniffers without personality or stature.


Barry Cowen put on a pair of glasses hoping his constituents wouldnt recognise him.

Was a strange speech to watch. Maybe he sees something coming with regards to the omission of Martin. Its still weak though.

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I assume Cowan is playing a long game here . He is no political heavyweight but Jesus he is no McSharry either .

I assume that another few bad polls will see a heave on Martin

Dear Politics,

If this nonsense could bring down Simon Harris I’d be extremely grateful and willing to put up with Mickey Martin for a full term.

Regards etc


Would he have much of a personal vote? Would Marian Harkin not have most of the independent vote sewn up?

Fuck it Martin has to go anyway,

I don’t think I’ve seen a more useless, spineless leader in my lifetime.

He is the worst Taoiseach I’ve ever seen.


The sort of people who vote for professional eejits are fairly easily fooled into giving “personal votes” to these characters. Leaving Fianna Fail or Fine Gael is one of the surest ways to secure such votes.

MacSharry sees a seat there for the next 25 years and that’s what it’s all about.

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He is the worst Taoiseach you’ve ever seen yet.

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Will it get any better with an election is the question?