Ireland politics (Part 2)

Is there a list of TDs in the Dail were formerly in FF/FG

M Lowry
M McGrath
D Healy Rae
M Healy Rae
M McSharry

Mary Lou McDonald

Chris Andrews


Could make a nice party there. Fianna Failed

One of the side stories of the last few weeks is Simon Harris being revealed as the cabinet leaker. I know Matt Carthy threw a Ra like grenade on it earlier, but is my sense correct that FFG collectively weren’t that pissed off a few weeks ago to see him being unmasked?

It seemed to be a bit of a hit job. This government has obviously been a complete shambles from the start, but I was saying to my life partner lately that it’s really looking like curtains when formerly compliant stooges like Philip Ryan, Fionnan Sheehan, Hugh O’Connell et al test which way the wind is blowing and then start stirring too.

Wasn’t it the Sindo that first named Harris without naming him? It was like the old board game favourite Guess Who? Is it a man? Does he have black hair? Etc etc. Their original story about the prolific leaker who briefs against HIS own colleagues referenced him being a senior FG minister with a high public profile but he wasn’t Varadkar, Donohoe or Coveney. :joy:

15 months ago Harris would have been tipped as a future FG leader and Taoiseach but I’d say that’s way less likely now.


Fairplay to Carthy on this one.

Harkin is unlikely to contest next time around. MacSharry has 6 months now to assess his future strategies. The anti-Martin seethe is strong here, based on his anti-SF stance and utterings. The voters of Sligo-Leitrim like to make up their own minds in these matters and the FF vote is currently in decline. Rumblings of a SFF arrangement should secure 3 seats at a minimum as FG are weak in the constituency.

You can add that mealy mouthed John McGuinness to the list of Me Feiners

MacSharry would be a massive loss for FFG. He speaks for the real people of Ireland

Good point. He is absolutely useless tbf. Lot of outrage and indignation about Coveney here and the corruption. Are people forgetting Bertie? Where does his misdemeanours rank next to Coveney? Would that not drop him down the greatest Taoiseach of all time rankings
 Or are we forgiving and forgetting because he was a shrewder politician?

There were lads on here celebrating Peter Burke as some sort of political heavyweight when all he did was shout slurs across the studio when people were in the middle of answering questions or making a point.

It seems to be the FG approach to political debate, Richard Bruton and Josepha Madigan do it the whole time, waffle away when asked a question then shout over their opponents when it’s their turn.

The Indo naming O’Donovan and dragging him into this story now. This will run and run. Zappone has left some trail of destruction.

The Coalition has been plunged into disarray amid accusations of a Cabinet minister leaking details of the controversial Katherine Zappone appointment and the resignation of a Fianna FĂĄil TD over the long-running saga.

During a DĂĄil motion of no-confidence in embattled Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney, Sinn FĂ©in alleged Higher Education Minister Simon Harris leaked details of Ms Zappone’s appointment.

The explosive claim has been denied by Mr Harris, but details of an alleged sting operation by a junior minister, understood to be Limerick TD Patrick O’Donovan, has been widely discussed in political circles in recent weeks. However, a spokesperson for Mr Harris said: “This was a clear misuse of Dáil privilege and it is untrue.”

The DĂĄil allegation followed the resignation from his party of senior Fianna FĂĄil TD Marc MacSharry rather than voting on the Coveney motion.

In a strongly worded letter, Mr MacSharry branded Fianna Fáil under Taoiseach Micheál Martin an “undemocratic totalitarian regime”.

He said he “cannot stand over” a situation where “different rules apply” depending on who is involved in a political controversy.

Speaking during the debate, Sinn FĂ©in TD Matt Carthy said that “rather than dealing with the debacle, Fine Gael were running a sting operation to expose that Simon Harris had leaked the appointment from the Cabinet meeting because that is how business is done”.

Mr Carthy made the remarks during an ill-tempered DĂĄil debate on a Sinn FĂ©in motion of no-confidence in Simon Coveney.

Mr Carthy’s remarks about Mr Harris relates to an allegation in circulation that Mr O’Donovan set up a sting operation to establish whether a Cabinet minister leaked details of the appointment, which was made at a meeting of the Cabinet on July 28 before Ms Zappone withdrew.

Allegations emerged last month that the junior minister attempted to set up his senior colleague by pretending to be on a radio station talking about the Katherine Zappone controversy to see whether the other minister would tell a journalist. There was some criticism of the alleged sting at the Fine Gael think-in earlier this week.

Meanwhile, Mr Carthy told the Dáil Mr Coveney’s account of the Zappone appointment meant “either he is a very bad communicator or Katherine Zappone is a dope”.

“A former cabinet minister wanted a job that would get her access in the UN and her Fine Gael friends bent over backwards to make it happen,” the Cavan-Monaghan TD said.

During the Dáil debate, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said that TDs were being asked to accept that appointing Ms Zappone was “a gross abuse of office” but argued this was “manifestly not the case”.

Mr Martin told TDs the Zappone controversy was a “perfectly legitimate issue of public concern” and that the appointment was “handled carelessly”. He said Mr Coveney was “acting in good faith” when he deleted text messages related to official business, including the appointment of Ms Zappone.

Sinn FĂ©in leader Mary Lou McDonald said Mr Coveney tried to make up a job for a former cabinet colleague and tried to sell “a cock-and-bull story” to the Oireachtas.

TĂĄnaiste Leo Varadkar said his colleague was “diligent, knowledgeable, sincere and loyal”. He accused Sinn FĂ©in of using “grubby money” and running an “international centre of excellence” when it comes to cronyism. Sinn FĂ©in TDs could be heard shouting “bulls**t” as Mr Varadkar made the remarks.

The Government motion of confidence in Mr Coveney, tabled in response to the motion of no-confidence, was won by 92 to 59 votes.

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Harris and O’Donovan.

I couldn’t think of two bigger snivelling rats than those two.


You’d swear it was Game of Thrones the way the media are going on about a “sting operation”.

Bertie has the peace process

That’s his legacy


Neale Richmond is worse that both put together.

As a great debater yourself, I thought you’d appreciate the way Burke had him hopping mad and angrily waving a piece of paper around. Matt Cooper should have stepped in an stopped the pummelling.

Kneel is too fat to be a sniveling rat.

He’s more like a fat sycophant.



Fucking nerds.

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Si getting out smarted by O’Donovan is not a good look.


Agreed. Like when O Broin had his arse handed to him by Ffs James lawless in a housing debate on Twitter. Deeply unsettling

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Looking at O’Donovan would give you chills