Ireland politics (Part 2)

A bad look for the IFSCRA boys who’d been tasked with doing the NPV calculations for him.

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Sure that’s grand so. Is there a formula to work out what level of good stuff wipes out a level of corruption?

Sorry. Forgot to say the North siders wagons are circling. That was remiss of me

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Works similar to carbon offsetting trips to Australia by cycling to work.


Is there anyway we can get Niall Collins embroiled in this some how?

His vote would probably go up if he was involved.

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As @Bandage would say, ‘You can only audit what’s put in front of you.’ There isn’t a fuck up they wont wash their hands of.

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Did we ever have it as good as the era of peak Bertie… Nothing appeared impossible, sky’s the limit stuff, heady times…
To accomplish that level of buoyancy the wheels need to be greased - heavily and frequently. That’s the natural order of things. Skimpers and scrapers will cry corruption and old boys club but you have to get on the choo choo at the earliest stop and ride to the end.


Sometimes you need to guide the invisible hand of the market into the next fellows pocket.

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Dooley used to do his voting and is none gone. We need niall to go

Wait til SFIRA take the reins and we’ll look back at these days of plenty and think what did we have to complain about - a Mickey Mouse job at UN.

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The tweet has been deleted but based on the above its just Paschal left…

He’s turning into John Delaney! SHOES OFF! For the higher Ed…


Matt Carthy should have the book thrown at him. Conduct most unbecoming and a serious abuse of parliament.

SF have form here alright . But then so do plenty others. Leo, Mícheál, Bertie, Charlie, Burke, Lawlor, Lowry, Cowan, Lenihan, Coveney, Farrell, Bailey… The FFG list is longer than your arm.

The best was when Mary Lou was naming the holders of some dodgy accounts, she listed them all by full name until she said “an S. Barrett” which caused Sean Barrett to leap to his own defence.

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If Matt Carthy is any kind of a man, he should repeat these claims outside of Parliament.

The Ansbacher accounts! It was at the time SF were coming in for heat about Maria Cahill, Kangaroo courts and sweep sweeping the child abuse. I remember it well. Serious senior hurling!

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Could he not just be like the rest of them and only mouth off in the safety of parliament?* I’d feel safer voting SF if I knew they could be as calculating as the FFG crowd.

*Peadar Tobín. He’s another fella at it recently.

A SF government won’t last 6 months. First budget they will be fucked. A good shock to ffg is needed to stop all this cronyism and for them to be held to account