Ireland politics (Part 2)

Yup. They should bate it into you in school. Nevermind that poetry crap.

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I’m on AP, TDs on PO start of scale

You have rights to putting 700k in savings but until you have done it you don’t have 700k.

If you had a 700k house and a 1m mortgage are you worth 700k?


Would all civil servants be open to earning that much?

If your mother sends you down to the shop for a pounds worth of goods and she gives you fifty pence you can’t get a pounds worth of goods, can you?


No, not really

We needed this kind of creative thinking when the country was deep under water in negative equity (you’ve just gotten rid of this), companies were going bust due to insolvency (you’ve eliminated this forever too) and bankruptcies were the only option for many (a notion of the past now thanks to you).

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Amazing. Too many people like myself locked into a closed mindset :clap::clap::clap:

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You think a TD will default on his mortgage and lose his property?

It’s unlikely but until he’s paid his mortgage off it’s not certain. That’s why his his net worth now if different to what it might be in 20 years time.

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The bould Pearse won’t be defaulting on any properties. Cash purchaser.

That’s why stating liabilities would be very interesting. It would be revealing to see who had big mortgages or more pertinently who didn’t!

TDs have v little job security


so how many of the above are now living below the poverty line and being classed as homeless or hitting the soup kitchens?

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Always remember there’s a big difference between a poor bankrupt and a rich bankrupt.

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That’s some goalpost shifting there



Whats that got to do with the discussion?

We are talking about their net worth being overstated in this report. Nowt else

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