Ireland politics (Part 1)

Which way is the wind blowing here lads?

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Everyone is a do gooder now tho … but only online of course. If those laundries were around now we’d smash them up with some very harsh words on the internet.



Ah, I see how, you’ve either stupidly missed the point or are purposely trying to misrepresent it.

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You see nothing — you’re too blinded by the veil of outrage and self righteousness

Wait and see what most lads are saying, then go the opposite way, it always works on the INTERNET, it drives lads demented in fact


CSO figures Vs World Bank figures… huge difference.

Might be another can of worms opened here altogether.

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You sound very outraged, mate.

Do I SOUND outraged ??? Have you got your ear to the screen listening?

FG at it as well.

What’s she apologising for? She was only saying what the rest of us would think.

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I believe there were a lot more comments as well, not all necessarily aimed at travellers …

I didn’t bother with the article. I just based my initial reaction on the tweet

I’m not sure you can do that in 2019?

Why is the figure for Nigeria so high, out of genuine interest? I know nothing about the vagaries of international txfrs really. Can someone ladybird it for me?

It seemed like the reaction that occurred to Grealish’s comments yesterday when Nigeria was singled out by a few, so I followed suit.

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You do. You keep using words like screaming and typing in caps lock. No one else is doing that. You’ve been rightly triggered.

I’m merely letting you look in the mirror at your shithousery and complete over reaction to a non-story.

What was my overreaction?