Ireland politics (Part 1)

Simon Harris last spring

Simon Harris last weekend

Simon Harris last night


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again - Harris is one of the slimiest cunts this country has ever produced.

The Irish political equivalent of the Manchurian Candidate.


You have to hand it to the Government. Despite all the bleating from the usual suspects about how we were doing an awful job we ended up with second lowest date rate in Europe

Seems like a bad move to me. Will they need the same student nurses to help with the vaccine?

Not particularly happy to say I called this in April


Unfortunately, thatā€™s a lie.

There are more countries in Europe than are featured on that list.

I hate Simon Harris. A virtue signaling slimeball


More like captain darling from blackadder

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Youā€™d want to be a real dickhead to make up statistics about deaths and then try to use it to score political points.

We are 15th in the EEA for deaths per capita. Exactly mid table.

Itā€™s a sight improved from our disastrous management of the first wave. For many months now Iā€™ve said that NPHET have taken an ultra cautious approach, chastened by the realisation of our mismanagent of the first wave and how many deaths that caused. Taking a broader view you could say that their approach has been a success, in that we clearly lost fewer lives in the second wave comparative to other EU countries and moved down the table accordingly.

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morto for @TheUlteriorMotive


Letā€™s not forget the Greens are facilitating all this. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Yes. Trying to figure out what the rationale is for this. Obviously there are items agreed in the PFG which we disagree with such as funding the IGB that we vote for but one would assume this isnā€™t part of the PFG

Once I get a rationale ill dissect it and share


Good man.

SF IRA donā€™t pay the student nurses in NI
Iā€™d imagine itā€™s the same the world over.

They donā€™t get paid as students and get paid when they become interns. In Republic of Ireland during first wave of Covid their studies were suspended and they were paid as HCAs.

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Why would you imagine itā€™s the same the world over, other than it suits your narrative?



The UK and the world famous NHS donā€™t pay them.

In Ireland they get paid in 4th year as interns. They were never paid before this but got a very small allowance and accommodation allowance.

Howeve pre Covid they could work part time as HSAs outside of studies. Because of Covid that was not encouraged/allowed.

When their studies were suspended as part of first wave they were paid as HSAs.

If you pay student nurses there is a knock on effect throughout entire public sector.

But you can pay an unelected TD to be a ā€œsuperā€ junior.
