Ireland v France ☘

What result gets Kenny the boot? Would 0-7 do it?

If the French score early doors this could get really ugly.

In contrast to @Bandage my apathy levels are at an all time high.


We need to put em under pressure.

I’d like to see Vol. McClean or someone clobbering into Mbappe or Griezman early doors. Like Keane on Overmars in 2001. Let them know you’re there.

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The old landsdowne road was one of the great Amphitheatres.

Hoping for a scene setting post from @Cheasty

Anyone know where the French are staying?

We should have had kids outside it letting off fireworks last night.

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That astute cost benefit analysis is the hallmark of the revamped FAI. Are you bringing a load of youngsters from Porto underage set up tonight?


Love yer optimism lads. Can’t see anything other than an absolute hopping.


I can’t understand it myself.

Usually, part of me would believe we can keep it tight, maybe nick a goal. But this is the poorest set up in my lifetime. We have no hope.

France available at 1.39 on Betfair. That is literally free money for anyone with the stomach to bet against their own country.

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It’s blind faith to pick Ireland to win tonight. It can be based on absolutely nothing

If you haven’t got hope you’ve got nothing


Yes. There’ll be about 9 adults and 15 kids. We’re down the very corner beside the french fans now. Back up to decent seats for the next block of games after the seagulls debacle.


I’m devouring the pre-match previews. I quite like that Gavin Cooney chap from the 42, even though he did take a TFK quip literally & ridicule it on Twitter that time. Cooney, along with McDonnell of the Indo, both expect a 3-5-1-1 with Bazunu & Egan restored, Coleman starting RWB, a Cullen, Molumby, Knight midfield trio & either Obafemi or Ogbene playing off Ferguson. They expect LWB to be a straight choice between McClean & Doherty after O’Dowda’s injury.

Egan, Collins, O’Shea;
Coleman, Molumby, Cullen, Knight, McClean/Doherty;

As much as Spock likes the Doc (he usually plays when fit & he was captain the other night), we’d have no left footer at all in the side if he starts at LWB. We’d really be limiting ourselves if we have right footers playing as the left centre back & LWB. But maybe that could work in our favour & reduce the safe passing in our own defensive third. Launch it up to Ferguson & get Ogb/Oba & Knight & Molumby fighting for the scraps.

I’ll just leave this picture.

And these.




This was my spot.



Sad to see posters on here hoping for an Ireland loss. Doherty had a great game v Portugal left wing back so will start there id imagine.


Starting at 52:30 on this video, 40 seconds of the purest perfection.

“These are the good old days”, wrote Con Houlihan. He was right.


I’m not particularly enthused by Coleman at RWB to be honest. I like him as a RCB.

I’d be really worried about Mbappe’s pace in that channel against Coleman & Egan. Not that Doherty would improve it really, it’s a worry no matter what.

I hope that is the midfield 3, I don’t really want to see Hendrick for this game. I really like Ogbene but not sure he’s a 10. But does have the pace to give us a real counter-attack option.

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Yep id agree. I’d probably play Obafemi at the moment up with ferguson. We’ll be feeding off scraps and will need lads to create out of nothing.
I’d play the Doc on the left. You’d have to feel him learning spanish shows he can play on the other wing effectively.

Yeah Coleman’s legs have been gone for a few years now. Maybe they’ll play Egan in the middle of the three with Collins on the right?

Significant crossover with those contributing to the coffers of the crown and to British football I suspect.

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