Ireland vs Armenia. Tuesday @ 7.45 i presume

As an aside, all 11 of Stephen Kenny’s starting team tonight were born on the island of Ireland.


Doherty was stone useless last night,hiding out on the touchline. Absolutely no drive in him.He showed no leadership for one of the “better” players.Took the easy option every time.No wonder he can’t get a game at spurs he’s useless.

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I would have vouched for Doherty in the past, but have to agree; he has great talent but his character comes into it, slows down the play, doesn’t drive on.
Collins to the holding midfield role is a good shout. He didn’t do great for their first goal though. Hourahan for both goals :person_facepalming:. Should never be asked back. Bazunu for the second especially, not good enough. First was a long range effort but his line of sight was obscured.
Thought Molumby was good in the first half but saw the second half challenge and he was one lucky buck. The Armenians can 100% think that the fix was in when he wasn’t sent off.


A coward. Always has been

Hopefully we get some kind of decent draw next month… A couple of the newly declared Russian Republics be great.

We need Yugoslavia to get back together, that would take about 8 teams out of our way. USSR then as well. Get Europe down to 24 countries might be our best chance of qualification


Danger here

Would sacking Kenny be bad PR for the FAI v LoI players/managers? If he goes when his contract expires, who do they get? Back to square one. Charlton had lads mostly playing for top British teams challenging for division 1 trophies. What could Charlton have done with the current crop? But the Ole Olers tink oirlint should be betttttarrr dan dah loike cos de players are playing in da best leeeeegs in da worilt an dah.

Caught 30 seconds or so of Offtheball there on twitter, appears the narrative from Ger Gilroy is “Well Germany also threw away a 2 goal lead the night before as wel” and “It could be a lot worse, sure Sweden got relegated and Northern Ireland and Slovakia are stuck in League C”

If we had gotten the group Sweden had we would most likely have been relegated too


The media have gone the complete opposite way i thought they would have with kenny. I didnt think he’d last 6 months with them.

He must be way better with them off mic than on.

It is bizarre

they destroyed previous managers for playing sh*t football and were calling for this type of manager for years

despite how shit he is & how bad we have been, turning on him would lose too much face so they continue to back him

I think the realisation is dawning now on people. Delaneys comment that Kenny doesn’t have a patent on ireland playing football was a dig at the journos


Would Roy Keane take the gig outright i wonder ?

He would jump at it but doubt the players are overly interested in it given how toxic it was towards the end of the O’Neill/Keane reign.

Would he be an upgrade on Kenny? Marginally maybe but a gamble.

Hardly any of O’Neill’s team are left really and those that are will be gone soon

I see Buff “shooshed” Kenny
The gigs up so


Egan, Duffy, Doherty, Coleman, McClean, Obafemi, Robinson, Brady, O’Dowda, Hendricks to name a few were all involved.

Only McLean and Coleman are older than 30 and unlikely to be involved in WC 2026 qualifying

Doherty and Obafemi the only realistic starters? The older lads aren’t mainstays, wasn’t it just with one or two players Keane got the hump? Walters and Arter?