Ireland vs Spain

There was no game plan that bunch of Irish players could have played to that would have beaten Spain. None. No matter who the manager was

I think the fans sang for pride in themselves, and pride in being Irish and in defiance of te situation. Not at the performance.


Roy keane did not slag the fans off. He said that the support is great and all well and good but you have to go to these competitions with some intention to do more than just make up the numbers. And that the fans deserve that.

Anyway i’m going Monday. Taking my lads, they’ve never seen an Ireland game before.

Do they know the words to The Fields of Athenry Balbec ??

That was the most shocking display of soccer I have ever witnessed from any team last night.

On the point of the people hanging around singing after that demolition job. Get your fuckin heads checked.
The team were a shambles, whether it be because of the players, management or National organisation the team should have been fucking stoned off the field last night for putting up such an utter, utter capitulation of a performance.

We should all feel shamed by what we witnessed last night.

[quote=“The Tipping King, post: 690934”]

In individual counties and clubs with GAA we have had plenty to sing about. As a nation, when we won the Grand Slam, when we won 5 major golf championships, when we have the World’s number 1 golfer, when we won gold medals in the Olympics, when our professional boxers became european and world champions, when we won the Tour De France, when we won a world snooker championship, when we win 20+ Group 1s a year, when we win 20+ Grade 1s a year, when we win Grand National after Grand National, when we had 13 winners at the Cheltenham festival in 2011, when we send our horses to win some of the most prestigious races in the world, when we join Europe in winning the Ryder Cup, when the countries elite athletes represent us and win on the world stage with respect and honor. We have plenty to be proud of, losing 4 nil to Spain is not one on to put on the list.[/quote]

It was more a tongue in cheek jibe that throughout Irish history most of our ballads and songs were based around glorious failure

They will by Sunday:) Actually just walking around my office there, lads asking me what were those amazing songs the Irish were singing. Fans have done a lot to repair the damage Ireland’s reputation has taken in the last couple of years by their positivity and good humour.

He’s asking everybody to change their attitude towards the supporters. I suppose he’s right in a way, they should be stoned when they arrive back for having the temerity to sing while being 4-0 down.
He’d obviously prefer if they were like his beloved prawn sandwich brigade at old troutfarm and clammed up while taking their beating.
The team needs fixing, not the supporters. Keane must be one of the most bitter men on the face of the earth.

On matters football Graham Hunter suggested on Newstalk on Wednesday that Torres had got his mojo back because he had got a couple of goals in training. I thought Hunter had finally lost it.

Torres has had his mojo back for a while now imo. One of the smallest ever silver linings was seeing him back in form again last night, he always seemed an alright sort did Fernando.

Glad I went for pints after last night rather than getting dragged into ttks utter scutter here last night.

Any word from our boys in Gdansk?

I’ve just woken up with a massive hangover. What happened last night? Did we win lads?

It was a somber affair after the game… There was no ‘celebrating’ like some on here made out. Their team were battered off the pitch, they got what they could from the occasion and fucked off after pretty down beat.

Yeah we’re all getting a trophy for being the most imbecilic fans ever. We lost the game though.

Piles, I saw his piece on ITV last night, most of ye didn’t. I am not a fan of Roy Keane but I think that his comments are being misinterpreted. He did not slag off the supporters. He said they deserved better.

He’s right too. Any manager putting Paul Green in an international shirt should be politely shown the door.

That was Irelands worst competitive defeat for 41 years.

Fair enough, they do, but what does he mean when he says that peoples attitude towards the supporters should change though?
Did he mean that the supporters attitude towards the team should change?
He’s just spouting shite for the sake of it.

good idea and the following week i am planning to go to the middle east to cheer on a lad from Irish beef processors as he tries to flog other irish animals to wealthy Arabs.

Only buffoons look at this as anything other than a vehicle for making money. without betting horse racing would be dead in the morning. It wouldnt survive without it and all the inherent corruption endemic in a sport as reliant on betting as racing is . Soccer would not only survive it would be improved without betting .

you have hundreds and hundreds of race meetings every year and only five or six race meetings are run honestly with all horses in the race trying to win yet i dont see any signs from owners that this horse is a pace maker and this horse is out to win or that one horse or another in a race is on a training jaunt and not interested in winning in case his odds for the next race go down. the whole thing is rotten to the core which is of course why it suits many of the wealthier among us to be involved